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Continued Attacks on Nigerian Villages Dash Hopes for Kidnapped Schoolgirls

nigeria-boko haram

(Voice of the Persecuted) One day after so-called representatives of the Boko Haram sect signed a ceasefire accord with the government, the sect went on a rampage killing people in Christian areas with an undisclosed number of people having been killed. Many are feared dead.

The attacks are seen as reneging from the ceasefire agreement with government. One source from Maiduguri said celebrations had barely began when they received the news of the fresh attacks by Boko Harm. They are now left with a sense that there was no such agreement or, “perhaps, they are more than a terror group.”

A few days ago the Coordinator of the National Information Centre, Mike Omeri said in a news briefing, “The discussions are essentially in relation to the general insecurity in the North-east and also the need to rescue all captives of the terrorists, including the students of Government Girls Secondary School, Chibok. “Already, the terrorists have announced a ceasefire in furtherance of their desire for peace. In this regard, the government of Nigeria has, in a similar vein, declared a ceasefire.”

Following the announcement of ceasefire between the government and the Boko Haram, which has brutally killed thousands of people on their quest of establishing an Islamic State ruled by Sharia Law, many Nigerians,  VOP advocates, including our team members in the region who are very aware of the antics of the sect—called for caution.

The terror sect renewed attacks on Shaffa, Hawul Local Government in South of Borno, which reportedly killed 8 locals with several injured. Hundreds of others were claimed to have fled their homes.

All Africa reported a survivor as saying, “There was pandemonium in Shaffa as Boko Haram invaded the nearby village, shooting at everybody at sight. We had to flee into the bush and as I am talking to you many of us are taking refuge in the bush.”

The gunmen returned back to the town to gather corpses of slain members for burial. A gunfight with members of the Civilian-JTF ensued and many may have been killed including Boko Haram militants.

An attack on Abadam village in the northern part of Borno state where they reportedly beheaded several villagers including the father of a former Speaker of the Borno state House of Assembly, Goni Ali Modu.

According to Leadership news outlet, a resident of Abadam said, “dozens of gunmen suspected to be members of the Boko Haram have taken over Abadam. They have been in Abadam since Thursday but finally [hoisted] their flags on Friday after killing many prominent people and forcing others to cross over to Niger.”  He relayed that 30 people have been killed in Abadam alone, but was unsure of the actual number and that many people, especially the old are still in Abadam because they could not flee.

Trapped but fortunate to escape, residents of Bama local government area of Borno state where the Boko Haram had seized for about two months now have reported cases of serial killings of helpless residents by the Boko Haram terrorists.

One woman, Fatima Bulama, who managed to escape to Maiduguri on foot last Monday said “things are getting worst in Bama; they are killing people selectively everyday. Days before I managed to escape, they gathered all the younger women and divided them into three groups according to their age grade and then they took them away; we never knew what would become of them, but I know it would be something terrible.”

A member of the local vigilante in the area, Kashim Abba,  said in Maiduguri that the sect had shown that there was no ceasefire with the latest attack. In Michia, Filli said the insurgents had overrun the villages in the earlier hours of Saturday and burnt down houses in the village, forcing residents to flee.

Earlier, a group of insurgents attacked the Borno town of Sabon Gida, said one military officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. “The fight was tough and it seems the insurgents wanted to destroy everything in Sabon Gida.”

Another said, “The ceasefire is good but we are wary of these people, besides they know us, we don’t know them. Whatever turns up, we are ready. The only regret is that so many people have been killed already but that is our pledge, to defend the territorial integrity of Nigeria against all odds,” he said.

On Sunday, Nigerian Army troops fought  members of Boko Haram in the town of Damboa in Borno state.

With the latest attacks hopes are waning for the release of the 200+ Chibok schoolgirls kidnapped six months ago by the terror group. A parent of one of the missing girls, Lawan Abana said, “We were in jubilation. We had every reason to be happy … but since then the ceasefire has been broken in quite a number of places already.” Other parents have expressed their concerns and disappointment, but are trying to remain optimistic for the sake of their children.

Some question if Christians are being targeted, if the attacks are only tribal battles, or reprisals against the government or civilized activity.  The Church in north Nigeria is strong. Boko Haram wants to eliminate the churches because they are unacceptable to Muslims. They don’t want Christians in the Muslim areas, so they bomb those places of worship, or refuse to give them a license to worship.

Burnt-churchIn September, Nigeria’s Church of the Brethren in Nigeria (EYN) President, Samuel Dali said the headquarters of the church is under grave threat from the Islamic extremist insurgents who seek to impose sharia (Islamic law) throughout the country.

“Boko Haram violence has been getting worse every day, and our members are fleeing the area by the thousands,” he said. “Recent attacks in Borno and Adamawa states where are our churches are located have seen Boko Haram take over the Army base. As a result, about 350 Christians have been killed.”

Boko Haram has warned Christians in North Nigeria to leave or convert to Islam.

In June you may have seen the World Watch Top 10 Violence List. Nigeria ranks No. 1 in the Top 10. Levels of violence in Nigeria remained extremely high. Nigeria consists of two parts: the predominantly Christian South and the Muslim North. Most incidents are recorded in the northern part of the country where Islamic Sharia Law has been implemented in many states, but fanatical movements, such as Boko Haram, fight to further Islamize society. Boko Haram continues to attack Christians on a large scale by burning down and bombing churches and Christian property, assaulting and kidnapping Christian women and girls. Another main driver for violence against Christians are the Muslim Fulani herdsmen. They come down from northern states to areas where Christian live and try to take over land that belongs to Christians. It has been proven the Boko Haram supplies heavy weapons and encourages the Fulani Muslims to attack Chrisitans, with many joining to become members of the brutal sect. See our Apr. 23, 2014 report: Fulani herdsmen confess to membership of Boko Haram



VOP Note: Remember Nigeria and the faithful in your prayers. Pray for peace and the release of all who have been abducted. Pray all enemy plans will be foiled.

Together with your generous support, we can reach the goal to alleviate their suffering. In darkness and desperation, let us serve in love, with open arms and giving hands to provide light and hope.

Thank you for your support. We couldn’t do it without you!