Category Archives: Burma



Persecution Watch: Pray for Believers in Myanmar/Burma 

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Tuesday, January 2, 2024, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Dear Prayer Warriors, we are starting this New Year by glorifying our King, the Mighty One, Lord of all Lords, the King of all a kings, the Great I Am.

Psalm 24:8-10

“8 Who is this King of glory?
    The Lord, strong and mighty,
    the Lord, mighty in battle!

Lift up your heads, O gates!
    And lift them up, O ancient doors,
    that the King of glory may come in.

10 Who is this King of glory?
    The Lord of hosts,
    he is the King of glory! Selah”

Read full chapter

Please come and Honor His Name with one of your favorite verses from His Holy Word. 

“From the rising of the sun to its setting,
    the name of the Lord is to be praised!”

Psalm 113:3

Praying for Believers in Myanmar/Burma 

“It’s hard to feel Burmese if you are not Buddhist here, and harder when the military government views your faith and your tribe as subversive,” said a persecuted Christian pastor among the Chin people. Christian persecution in Myanmar has been apparent among minorities; they have long been the victims of discrimination from the government and the culture. Since the military coup of 2021, violence against Christian minorities has spiked, especially as much of the country has revolted in protest. 

The civil war has displaced two million people, and killed 30,000 so far, but Christians are caught in the crossfire. Over seventy churches have been firebombed in Chin state alone, with pastors killed and Christian villages even earmarked for bombing. The most high-profile Christian prisoner is the Rev. Hkalam Samson, who was accused merely of holding a prayer meeting with members of the opposition National Unity Government. For this “act of incitement” the former head of the Kachin Baptist Convention, and who had prayed in the Whitehouse for then President Trump, was sentenced to six years in prison in 2023.

Other Christians face multiple sources of persecution, such as Muslim Background Believers among the Muslim Rohingya. This Muslim minority has been pushed out of Rakhine state since 2017 by the army with terrible atrocities, forcing half a million to flee to Bangladesh. Christians among them also face persecution from the strongly Muslim culture as well. Few Christian groups are as internationally unnoticed and friendless as the Christians of Myanmar. 

Christians are the people of the hills in Myanmar. The country consists of a central plain dominated by its overwhelmingly Buddhist population and surrounded by hills and mountains in which live the ethnic minorities. 

It is these minority groups that are the most Christianized. Despite successive Catholic missions over six centuries, it was the Protestant missionaries that gained the most traction among the hill tribes. Most famously, American Baptist missionaries Adoniram and Ann Judson came in 1813 and saw a significant turning to Christ among the Karen people, who in turn shared their faith with the Kachin. Other missionaries reached the Chin people, who are half a million in number and 85% Christian. 

Roughly two thirds of Myanmar’s Christians are Protestant, and predominantly Baptist. Roman Catholics form one sixth of the total. Christians have struggled for acceptance in this staunchly Buddhist country, in which nationalism has fused with the majority religion, and so Christians are viewed as less than patriotic as a result. 

Unpopular military juntas, who ruled Myanmar from 1962 to 2011, and then took power again in a coup in February 2021, frequently try to appeal to the majority by repressing the Christian minorities and even trying to impose Buddhism on them by force. Some groups, such as the Karen, formed independence resistance movements decade ago, and Christians among them are doubly targeted by the authorities. 

Mizoram is a Christian majority state in northeast India, where 90% of its 1.2 million people identify as Christian. The state shares a 300-mile border with Myanmar, a country that has been under a strict military regime since 2021. Fleeing the constant violence, many from Myanmar had nowhere to turn. That is until the people of Mizoram opened their borders and welcomed them.

Prayer Points: 

  • Pray that the demonic stronghold over Burma would be broken through the truth and knowledge of Jesus Christ. May even the government see that serving Christ is not a hazard to the people but a great benefit. 
  • Pray that the hill regions become treacherous for the military to traverse and a source of protection for the tribes who reside there. 
  • Pray for peace in Myanmar. Pray that the war waged against civilians would be brought to an end. 
  • Pray for the salvation of the Rohingya peoples even those who have migrated because of the conflict. Pray that they would not join with others in abusing Christians. 
  • Pray with thanksgiving for the people of Mizoram who willingly receive refugees from Myanmar and care for them. 
  • Many Christian youth flee Myanmar and go to Mizoram for treatment. Pray that their wounds would heal and that they would not lose faith in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray for the strength of the pastors that they would be able to continue ministering to their congregations. 
  • Pray for the unity of believers in Myanmar regardless of their denomination. May they love and look out for one another. 
  • Many churches have been burnt and destroyed in Myanmar. Pray that believers would continue to find new and safe places to worship amidst the hardships. 
  • Pray for the release of those pastors, leaders and others who have been wrongfully imprisoned because they disagree with or seem to pose a threat to the ruling military junta. 
  • Pray for the healing and comfort of those who mourn for the state of the country, loss of loved ones, lands and possessions.

Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:     

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release. 
  • Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison, for his family and for the church.
  • Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. UPDATE: According to Article 18, once sentenced to death for his “apostasy” has been “pardoned” and released after nearly five years in Tehran’s Evin Prison, but told Nadarkhani that he still faces flogging (30 lashes) and two years’ exile 2,000km from his home. Read the report here.
  • The Harvest: “37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Shonla-Jay Payne, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Moderator 

Prayer Conference Call Details

Each night, 7 days a week

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church was moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Persecution Watch: Praying for Believers in Myanmar

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Thursday, October 26, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Opening Prayer: Israel

  • God’s Guidance for Israel: Pray for the government of Israel to seek God’s wisdom as they respond to the ongoing situation. 
  • Church Leaders: Pray for church leaders to offer hope and comfort from God’s Word to those paralyzed by fear. 
  • Salvation: Pray for the salvation of both the Jewish people and those who have perpetrated these events. 
  • Frontline Fighters and Families: Pray for the men and women fighting on the front lines and for their families back home. 
  • Spiritual Work: Ask the Lord to work in the hearts of many during this tumultuous time. 
  • Mercy and Wisdom: Pray for a swift end to the conflict and for wise decisions from leaders. 
  • Combat Misinformation: Pray that misinformation would not exacerbate the situation.

MYANMAR: Population: 35.8 million; Christians 2.2 million

The Buddhist-majority country has 4.4 million Christians, which is just eight per cent of the country’s population. The persecution of Christians in Myanmar continues to worsen since the military took control in February 2021. Fighting has increased across the country and the Christian minority is bearing the brunt of these attacks. Churches have been attacked and destroyed. More Christians than ever have become internally displaced people or refugees and are living in camps or churches without adequate food and healthcare. 

The daily reality is that Christians do not enjoy the same rights and legal protection as the Buddhist majority. Christians are often victims of violent attacks conducted with impunity. Even in predominantly Christian states like Chin State and Kayah State, long-established churches have suffered attacks and Christian aid workers and pastors have been killed. Government forces attack Christian villages and churches, while Buddhist monasteries remain largely untouched.

About half a million Christians, that is 90 percent of the Chin State population is Christian. Security forces are destroying crosses, desecrating churches not allowing religious assemblies Forced labor, forced conscription, physical abuse and extorsion causes Chin people to flee. 110,000 refugees live in India and another 50,000 fled to Malaysia.

Converts to Christianity also face threats, ridicule and physical beatings from their Buddhist, Muslim or tribal families, and are shunned from community life. Communities that aim to stay ‘Buddhist only’ make life for Christian families impossible by barring their access to community water resources. Na Ta La schools aim to convert Christian children to Buddhism, which is an effective way of stopping Christianity from spreading to the next generation. The boys at these schools are raised to become Buddhist monks.   [Na Ta La schools – 29 – are run by Buddhist monks. Forcing children to become Buddhist – heavy persecution]

Prayer Points

  • Pray to the Lord that the ruling coup regime, the generals, will return power to elected officials and start respecting Christian minorities.
  • Pray to the Lord to bring unity to the complicated political situation in the country involving powerful rebel groups. 
  • Pray to the Lord for unity between the Christian churches.
  • Pray to the Lord to protect the illegal Bible schools in the Chin and Karen states.
  • Pray to the Lord that indigenous church planters and indigenous missionaries will boldly proclaim the gospel.
  • Pray to the Lord for the Christians who are oppressed and persecuted by Buddhists and tribal members practicing Animism (witch craft).
  • Pray to the Lord to give strength to new believers who face difficulties from their families, villagers, government surveillance and Buddhist monks.
  • Pray to the Lord for NGOs to provide more survival training as well as trauma counseling.
  • Pray to the Lord that the Christians who have been forced out of their homes and living in camps to get adequate food, water, and healthcare.
  • Praise and thank God that the church in Myanmar continues to stand strong.

Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:   

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release. 
  • Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison, for his family and for the church.
  • Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. UPDATE: According to Article 18, once sentenced to death for his “apostasy” has been “pardoned” and released after nearly five years in Tehran’s Evin Prison, but told Nadarkhani that he still faces flogging (30 lashes) and two years’ exile 2,000km from his home. Read the report here.
  • Ryan Kolher Oct. 2023) PRAISE REPORT:  Ryan, Annabel, and their two boys are now back in the United States! If you wish to pass along words of encouragement and praise to the Kohers, you may email them atprayforpilotryan@maf.org.
  • The Harvest: “37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Andy, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Moderator

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions’ became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Image by Daniel Kirsch from Pixabay

Persecution Watch: Pray for Myanmar/Burma 

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Tuesday, Nov 8th, 2022, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Myanmar (formerly Burma): Population 57.5 million, 87.9% Buddhism (official), 6.2% Christianity, 4.3% Islam

In February 2021 the military handed power to military chief Min Aung Hlaing and declared a state of emergency. Myanmar has a long history of political and humanitarian crises.

A military crackdown in 2017 destroyed villages and killed hundreds of Rohingya, and thousands fled into Bangladesh.

  • Pray for the Christian outreach to the Rohingya.

Much of Myanmar does not allow the construction of church buildings – some walk for miles to reach a fellowship.

  • Pray believers can always find fellowship.

New believers often face persecution from their communities and their loved ones. Because of this, it has become common for pastors to take young people into their homes when they leave their traditional religion for the love of Christ.

  • Pray for the new believers.

The current crisis has created an increased openness to the gospel. When the Buddhist leadership in Myanmar did not express opposition to the military takeover, many people lost confidence in Buddhism and became willing to hear other ideas.

  • Pray for the severe food shortages – the international community will not send food to Myanmar because the junta refuses to release the supplies to the people.

In protest to the coup, many professional workers went on strike – because of this, most children have not attended school since February 2021.

  • Pray for children to be ready for their future.
  • Pray for perseverance for Believers sharing the Gospel, despite risk and hardship.
  • Pray that this suffering nation will come to understand God’s promise in Romans 8:35: “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword?”
  • Pray for peace. – There is no end in sight to the conflict and so far, all international attempts to help solve the crisis have failed.
  • Pray for provision. The economic situation is very dire. Many have lost their jobs – Pray for the economy to pick up, so that people can be saved from desperate poverty.

The new junta’s security forces use violence against protestors on the streets.

  • Pray for protestors’ safety, and they would meet the King of Kings.

The military’s ‘Burmanization’ campaign targets the predominantly Christian region of Chin State. Scores of Chin people are displaced to Malaysia, Thailand, and India.

  • Pray for the Chin people.
  • Pray that the Lord will convict the Military Junta and give them a desire for peace and reconciliation.
  • Pray that the Lord will stretch out His hand of protection over the churches and houses targeted by the military.
  • Pray for healing and hope – the level of trauma among Christians is reaching crisis levels.  
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen Christians’ faith, and they would remain joyful under suffering.
  • Pray that NGOs working in the country will bear fruit. Pray for continued protection and wisdom for our partners who must in high-risk areas. 
  • Pray to the Lord that He will encourage church leaders who struggle with horrific memories.
  • Pray for the displaced villagers who fled to the mountains, that they will find food and shelter.
  • Pray to the Lord that refugees will be allowed to enter neighboring nations and find protection.
  • Pray to the Lord that He will add to the number of believers in spite of the tumulus times that challenge Christians.

Again, we want to lift these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:  

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018, pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release.
  • Pray For Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison.
  • Pray for Anita to make an easy transition into her new culture and that the Lord will be gracious in bringing her family members to Canada.
  • For the release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, and his family as their persecution continues. Pastor Nadarkhani is serving the second year of his six-year sentence, recently reduced from ten years.

The Harvest

“I am sending you, to open their eyes so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the dominion of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Me” (Acts 26:18)

Valerie Creekmore, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Persecution Watch: Praying for Believers in Myanmar (Burma)

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Thursday, June 23, 2022 in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Myanmar (Formerly Burma): Population: 55.2 million, Christians 4.4 million

It was one year ago today, when the Burmese military (the Tatmadaw) overthrew Myanmar’s democratically elected government. The military moved quickly to detain both President Win Myint and democracy icon Aung Sung Suu Kyi, and to prevent the new members of the National League for Democracy (NLD) from being sworn into power. While Burma is no stranger to ethnic and religious violence from its hardline nationalist military, the nationwide conflict that would follow was less expected, leaving nearly 1,500 dead and almost 400,000 displaced. This coup is once again tearing open the wounds of ethnic and religious violence that the country has tried to close so many times.

In June 2021, ICC released a report, Caught in the Crossfire, which explored many of Myanmar’s Christian groups who are currently under threat from the junta’s campaign across the country. Now, over six months later, we reflect on the impact this conflict has had on three of Myanmar’s largely Christian populations, and what steps have been taken to alleviate their struggle and the struggle of all being affected in Myanmar. 

One Year Later 

The military coup was met by outrage by the international community and instigated widespread protests and civil disobedience within Myanmar. After protestors took to the streets, they were met with harsh resistance by the new junta’s security forces, which quickly became violent. To defend its supporters, a new opposition government was formed, the National Unity Government (NUG), and with it the Peoples Defense Force (PDF). The newly formed PDF allied itself with many of the country’s ethnic armed groups (EAG), who had experience resisting the military’s aggression against their ethnic territories. Many of these EAGs represent significant Christian populations within this Buddhist nation. 

While this current conflict was not instigated to persecute the country’ Christian and ethnic minority populations, Myanmar’s Christians and ethnic minorities have been impacted heavily by the junta’s violent campaign of suppression. In the junta’s attempt to break the pro-democracy movement, they continue to target religious and ethnic minorities in the country’s outer regions who have resisted the junta’s leadership.  

This resistance from the ethnic regions of Myanmar comes as no surprise, as the country had been on a tumultuous pathway toward a civilian-led democracy – which has now been derailed. Myanmar’s ethnic regions have pushed for various levels of autonomy since its independence and have regularly been challenged by the Burmese military since the military’s initial coup in 1962 – instability has reigned since. In response to their current resistance to the 2021 coup, the military has targeted these regions through coordinated shelling, pillaging, and burning of homes and churches. 

Chin State 

Significant assaults have been conducted in Chin state, particularly around the city of Thantlang. As a non-Bamar and predominantly Christian region, Chin State has long been targets of the military’s ‘Burmanization’ campaigns in the 1990s. This history of conflict has caused scores of Chin people to be displaced to places like Malaysia, Thailand, and India. This history of conflict made it only likely that this would end up a significant front for the regime’s attempt to suppress its opposition. 

According to Chin Human Rights Organization, it is estimated that between September 2021 and January 2022, 727 homes and structures have been torched by the junta, including seven churches and a dozen other religious buildings in Thantlang. On January 3rd alone, the Tatmadaw burned more than forty structures in the now abandoned Thantlang, including Gospel Baptist Church and the congregation’s living quarters. Also among the assaults was the burning of the United Pentecostal Church, the church of the Vice President, Henry Van Thio.  

Over the past month, the junta has continued to torch the city of Thantlang, leaving many to believe they are looking to clear space for the brigade’s camp, however more obvious is their disregard for anything sacred – this has led them to the killings of many civilians. Tragically among them was Pastor Cung Biak Hum, who was killed by the Tatmadaw after the soldiers shelled at least 19 homes and a government building in Thantlang. At the time of his death, he had come out to help put out the fire for another church member. 

Chin State has remained one of the epicenters of the conflict as many Chins have fled the daily fighting between the PDFs and the military. The number of people fleeing the violence has risen dramatically since the fighting began in April. 

Kayah State 

In Kayah state, home to the Karenni people, there has been increased fighting between local defense forces and the Tatmadaw, particularly around the capital city of Loikaw. The region has seen increased airstrikes and artillery shelling against civilians, displacing almost half of the population of the capital. UN sources estimate that more than 650 houses and civilian structures in Kayah, including churches and schools have been burned or destroyed since May of 2021. 

At least 15 parishes in Loikaw Diocese in Kayah state have been severely affected by the increased fighting, while at least seven Catholic churches in the area have been hit by the attacks. It is estimated that 170,000 people have left their homes in Kayah, and aid groups have struggled to support these now displaced persons, many of whom are taking refuge on Myanmar’s eastern border with Thailand, however still not out of harm’s way.

In Kayah State, we also witnessed one of the military’s most terrible atrocities, the Christmas Eve massacre. Here more than thirty people were burnt alive despite Christian calls for peace over the holiday.

Kachin State 

Kachin State represents one of Myanmar’s heavily Christian regions, who has been in and out of conflict with the Burmese regimes for decades. Having been geographically far from Yangon, the Kachin Independent Army resisted the Tatmadaw for years. However, its 2011 ceasefire has since crumbled and over 100,000 Kachins had been displaced from their homes, even before this current conflict started, leaving them vulnerable across the region.  

Even as the Tatmadaw’s early focus was around suppressing the protests and solidifying its power in Naypyitaw, it never stopped its attacks on Kachin Christians. As early as February 28, the Tatmadaw raided a Kachin Baptist Church in Shan State, arresting eleven members of the congregation; they were released a day later, but only after severe beatings. Kachin has continued to see the harassment of Christians and pastors as the conflict prolongs, leaving many new internal refugees to seek refuge there and in neighboring Shan state.  

Given the conflict’s scale and the likelihood that it will be prolonged, the region needs assistance that will have immediate impacts. Humanitarian assistance for those suffering throughout Myanmar and in regional refugee camps is critical. ASEAN and the West must coalesce other nations to find ways to pressure the regime to end their violent campaign and institute a path toward federalism that can better protect the rights of ethnic and religious minorities. The junta’s promise of new elections now seems unlikely, as their violent campaign and conviction of their opposition has tanked their credibility, leaving us convinced that they would avoid a free election. 

  • Pray that the Lord will convict the Military Junta and give them a desire for peace and reconciliation
  • Pray that the Lord will intervene and bring a peaceful resolution to the ongoing civil war.
  • Pray for those who have left Buddhism to follow Jesus—that God will strengthen, encourage and protect them.
  • Pray that all believers in Myanmar will receive and enjoy fruitful fellowship with other Christians.
  • Pray that the Lord will stretch out His hand of protection over the churches and houses targeted by the military
  • Pray for healing and hope as the level of trauma among Christians is reaching crisis levels, men are killed, and survivors are left in despondency over the future.   
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to strengthen their faith and that Christians and remain joyful under suffering.    
  • Pray that the Lord that believer will be protected when reaching out giving the Gospel to Buddhists.
  • Pray that NGOs work in the country will bear fruit. Pray for continued protection and wisdom for our partners who must in high-risk areas.  
  • Pray to the Lord that many believers in the endangered areas will go through persecution-preparedness Open Doors training.
  • Pray to the Lord that He will encourage church leaders who struggle with the horrific memories of the violence inflicted by the military.
  • Pray that the displaced villagers who fled to the mountains will find food and shelter.
  • Pray to the Lord that governing bodies of neighboring stated will allow refugees to enter and find protection.
  • Pray to the Lord that He will add to the number of believers in spite of the tumulus times that challenge Christians.

Again, we want to lift up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord: 

  • Leah Sharibu, prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release.
  • Pray for Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison.
  • Pray for Anita, a Christian convert facing a long prison term who escaped from Iran and praying to go to a country where she can express her faith openly.
  • For the release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, and his family as their Persecution continues. Pastor Nadarkhani is serving the second year of his six-year sentence.

Andy, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 (Note: We have a new call-in phone number)

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Persecution Watch: Praying for Believers in Myanmar

5/20/2021 (Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Thursday, May 20, 2021 in a prayer call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch. 

Myanmar: Population 54.8 million, Christians 4.3 million [8%]

Religious nationalism is especially strong in Myanmar and drives much of the persecution of Christians. There is an increasing emphasis on Buddhism, to the exclusion of all other religions. Converts to the Christian faith often face persecution from their families and communities for leaving, or “betraying,” the system of belief they grew up in. Communities who aim to stay “Buddhist only” make life for Christian families impossible by not allowing them to use community resources such as water.

Well-established churches have been attacked, and in some instances, Buddhist monks have invaded church compounds and built Buddhist shrines inside. Non-traditional church groups experience opposition too, especially those located in rural areas and/or are known for evangelistic activity. The government tries to act against extremist Buddhist monks, but sends mixed signals, since it has become clear that extremist monks enjoy the support of the army.

Myanmar is the scene of the longest civil war in the world, which began in 1948. Although much media attention has been given to the plight of Rohingya Muslims, the ongoing war against insurgent groups—which affects, among others, the states of Kachin, Karen and Shan (all of which have a strong Christian minority)—have gone largely unnoticed. The predominantly Christian Chin State was also affected by fighting. Christians are vulnerable to persecution by insurgent groups and the army, and more than 100,000 Christians in the north live in Internal Displacement Camps (IDPs) where they are deprived of access to food and health care.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought added challenges, since many Christians are deliberately overlooked in the distribution of government aid.

Myanmar has jumped one place from last year, reflecting the ongoing severe persecution facing many Christians. Converts continue to encounter tremendous hostility from family and the local community, while believers remain caught up in the fighting plaguing the states of Kachin, Shan and Karen, all of which have a significant Christian population, as well as predominantly Christian Chin State.

Christians in Kachin State, in the north of the country, are especially exposed to persecution. Due to the ongoing fighting, more than 100,000 people—mostly Christian—are living in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps, most of them for years, and humanitarian access to them is blocked. Fighting continues as well in neighboring Shan State, which has a large minority of Christians, especially in the north. Chin State, which is predominantly Christian, has also been the site of a great deal of conflict.

From the coronavirus to cyclones, few have faced the litany of scourges confronting the Rohingya people today. While we must assist the Rohingya to weather these storms, we cannot forget why they find themselves in such vulnerable circumstances in the first place. Almost three years ago, the Myanmar government unleashed a campaign of violence forcing the majority of the Rohingya population to flee. Now is the time to call these crimes what they are: genocide.  

In the span of a few days in May, nearly one million Rohingya refugees living in mega camps in Bangladesh faced the arrival of the coronavirus and the strongest storm ever recorded in the Bay of Bengal. The coming monsoon season threatens flooding and landslides. Hundreds more Rohingya are stranded at sea after being turned back from the shores of Malaysia and Bangladesh. Many are feared to have drowned.

This is the result of decades of persecution and the Myanmar military’s campaign of murder, mass rape, and destruction in late 2017. This Tuesday will mark three years since that mass expulsion. As these anniversaries accumulate, there is a real danger that the international community will grow accustomed to their passing. These atrocities cannot become just another chapter in the long history of state violence in Myanmar. Genocide is the gravest crime a government can commit. Accountability for that crime is essential if the Rohingya are to ever feel safe in their homeland.  

Villagers with animistic beliefs take vengeance against Christians, claiming they are angering the local spirits. Church gatherings and church buildings are allowed in many parts of the country, but tolerance varies from state to state. Active believers who share their faith face difficulties. Within tribal groups, families oppose conversion and new believers are subject to close government monitoring. Buddhist monks have actively opposed new Christian converts and evangelists. Pastors face arrest and are usually held for a few days at a time.

Bibles can be purchased and owned legally in small numbers, but most people cannot afford them. While bookstores in large cities sell Bibles, they are unavailable in many regions. Most Burmese Bibles are smuggled into the country.  

  • Pray to the Lord for the military to return power to the civilian government leaders.
  • Pray that the Lord will intervene and bring a peaceful resolution to the ongoing civil war.
  • Pray to the Lord to protect the church leaders who are often targeted by Buddhist extremists and paramilitary groups.
  • Pray to the Lord to disqualify the power hunger generals using the military for their purposes.
  • Pray for those who have left Buddhism to follow Jesus – that God will strengthen, encourage and protect them.
  • Ask that all believers in Myanmar will receive and enjoy fruitful fellowship with other Christians.
  • Pray to the Lord that all the internally displaced people, including Christians, can soon return to their native homes.
  •  Pray for NGOs like VOM to distribute church materials, Bibles and provide training to Christians and provide emergency shelter and food.
  • Pray for the release of all Christians imprisoned or held captive, and for the safety of all Christians as they go about their daily lives.
  • Pray for the protection of church buildings and safety for the worshippers
  • Pray for special protection of converts from the Buddhist faith, that they can withstand pressures from family and community.
  • Pray to give the persecuted the ability to pray for and forgive their persecutors. 
  • Pray for the medical outreach teams.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to mightily add to the numbers of believers and have His hand of protection on the church.

Again, we want to lift up persecuted witnesses to the Lord:

  •  Leah Sharibu, prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018, pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release.
  •  Pray pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison.
  • Pray for Anita, a Christian convert facing a long prison term who escaped and now waiting for a visa to go to a country where she can express her faith openly.
  • For the release of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, and his family as their Persecution continues. Pastor Nadarkhani is serving the second year of his six-year sentence, recently reduced from ten years.

Andy, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone


9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: 712 775-7035

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?
Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God.

The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted and our missions became one. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch is an important part of our own.

With the passing of Blaine into glory on December 26, 2019, Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with our dedicated prayer warrior team.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the call to share the trials they’re facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer.

Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone. We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you.

If you’re new to the call and can’t find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

NOTE: Persecution Watch has a new email address for the prayer team and those who would like to receive urgent prayer requests, weekly call prayer points and notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Please fill out the form below to be included in our new distribution list to receive this important information. We are grateful for your prayers and to the Lord for guiding us as we continue the Persecution Watch prayer call mission.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Special Guest Speaker: Missionary to Burma

5/15/2021 (Voice of the Persecuted) Dear Prayer Warriors, Persecution Watch will host a special guest, Sara S. Zondag, a missionary to Burma (Myanmar). We invite you to hear from this dear sister on tonight’s prayer conference call.


Sara grew up in the church in rural Wisconsin. After working as a genetic counselor for a few years, she felt called to move overseas to volunteer with some Christian organizations. Sara has been based in Chiang Mai, Thailand since 2011 and has been involved in church related projects in Thailand and in cross-border medical projects with the Karen ethnic group in Burma.

Since the end of World War II, Burma (or Myanmar) has been the site of political unrest. For most of this time the country has been ruled by a military dictatorship. Myanmar has many ethnic minorities that tend to live in the border areas of the country. The main minority groups – the Karen, Shan, Kachin, Chin – have faced fighting from the Burma Army. These ethnic groups have a large proportion of Christians. Missionaries to Burma came in the 1800’s and the Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of people from these groups. Missionaries were expelled from Myanmar in the 1960’s, but the church has continued to thrive within these areas.

On February 1st, Myanmar experienced a coup. In 2015, the military regime allowed democratically elected leaders into power, with limitations. Following repeat victories by these non-military leaders in the country’s 2020 elections, the military decided to retake governmental power by force and has been committing atrocities on people from their own Burman ethnic group as well as increased attacks on ethnic minority groups. 

Prayer Points

  • A miraculous change of heart from these military leaders, soldiers, and police who are attacking their own citizens.

  • For the Burma Army to end their attacks and bombing on the Karen, Kachin, and other minority groups.

  • Safety for the internally displaced people and refugees that these attacks are creating.
  • Courage for the believers in the face of all this difficulty.

We will also Pray for: 

Leah Sharibu and Alice that they will be set free from Boko Haram captivity.

  • Leah Sharibu was kidnapped along with 109 other students on February 19, 2018 when Boko Haram attacked a boarding school in the city of Dapchi, Maiduguri Diocese, in north-eastern Nigeria. A month later, some of the girls died in captivity and all the others were released, except Leah. She was the only Christian in the group.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah was kidnapped during the Rann attack on March 1, 2018. She was a nurse working with Unicef and is a mother of two.

Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison, for his family, the children, and the church in China. 

  • On December 28, the police raided the Early Rain Church and arrested Pastor Wang Yi, his wife Jiang Rong, and ten elders of the well-known 750-member church for holding “illegal” services. Some 100 believers were detained, questioned, and later released. Pastor Wang’s wife was also released. Pastor Wang remained in detention.

Anita, an Iranian Christian, persecuted by the Islamic regime seeking asylum.

Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, for his release and his family as their persecution continues. 

  • Pastor Nadarkhani is serving the second year of his six-year sentence, recently reduced from ten years. Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani converted to Christianity at the age of 19 and leads a 400-member house church in Rasht, Iran. Since 2006, Iranian authorities have consistently harassed and detained Pastor Nadarkhani and his family. In 2010, the authorities sentenced him to death for apostasy before acquitting him in 2012. Pastor Nadarkhani was tried again in 2017 on false charges of “acting against national security” and promoting “Zionist Christianity,” for which he was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment. By July 2018, plainclothes agents raided Pastor Nadarkhani’s home to execute the sentence, beating and apprehending him and using a taser gun on one of his sons. He is now incarcerated at the notorious Evin prison near Tehran.

The harvest 

  • “And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2

The Lord’s servant,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone


9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: 712 775-7035

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?
Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God.

The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted and our missions became one. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch is an important part of our own.

With the passing of Blaine into glory on December 26, 2019, Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with our dedicated prayer warrior team.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the call to share the trials they’re facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer.

Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone. We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you.

If you’re new to the call and can’t find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

NOTE: Persecution Watch has a new email address for the prayer team and those who would like to receive urgent prayer requests, weekly call prayer points and notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Please fill out the form below to be included in our new distribution list to receive this important information. We are grateful for your prayers and to the Lord for guiding us as we continue the Persecution Watch prayer call mission.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Civilian Christians Killed amid Military Fighting in Western Burma

Photo: commons.m.wikimedia.org

Unknown whether caught in crossfire or deliberately targeted.

Burma (Morning Star News) – Burmese army jet fighters killed 21 civilians from the predominantly Christian, ethnic Chin group in airstrikes this month in western Burma (Myanmar), sources said.

In Paletwa Township, Chin state, the army on March 14 struck Meiksa Wa villages 2 and 3, killing 12 civilians, area residents reportedly said. Eight more died in attacks the next day on Wetma village, and one was killed in Pyaing Tain village, they said.

The Burmese military’s Members of Parliament said the predominantly Christian villages were targeted because army personnel believed Arakan Army (AA) rebels from Rakhine state, on Chin state’s southern border, had taken cover in them, according to Mai Thin Yu Mon, program director of Chin Human Rights Organization (CHRO).

Another 28 civilians were wounded in the attacks, he said, adding that more than 1,500 villagers fled the areas as some of their houses were burned down.

Chin Christian leaders and local residents said that, based on past persecution they have endured at the hands of the military, they suspect army personnel fired indiscriminately at the villages in part because the inhabitants were Christian. Under the previous military regime, troops came to their villages and systematically persecuted the Christians in order to impose Buddhism. Prior CHRO reports have outlined how Burmese troops destroyed church buildings and persecuted Christians.

Brig. Gen. Zaw Min Tun, a military spokesman, reportedly said that government troops were returning fire at AA rebels, and that it was unclear which side caused the civilian casualties.

“We used fighter jets and helicopters in military operations, but it is difficult to tell [if the fatalities] were caused by the jets,” he told The Irawaddy. “When we use the jets, we take more care and aim only at the enemy’s location.”

Encouraging Buddhism to try to unite Burma’s disparate peoples, the Burmese government has long persecuted Chin Christians for their faith. Many ethnic Chin retain their ancestral animist beliefs and practices, though today most are Christians, according to the Joshua Project and other sources.

Amid fighting in Chin state’s Paletwa area and in Rakhine state, unarmed ethnic Chin are targeted by both sides. The Rakhine people are predominantly Buddhist. CHRO’s Mai Thin Yu Mon said AA soldiers also attack civilians when they suspect Burmese army soldiers have taken cover in their buildings.

“Sometimes, the AA’s soldiers said that they were informed that the government soldiers stay in the villages, so they opened fire into the villages,” he said. “So villagers got injured because of those indiscriminate attacks.”

Though religious buildings and properties are commonly seen as safe places in Burma during armed fighting, local residents said that both Rakhine rebel and government troops take over Christian churches to use as shelter and cover during offensives.

CHRO condemned the Burmese military for indiscriminate attacks against ethnic Chin, Christian villages in a press statement. The rights group added that both government forces and Rakhine rebels commit abuses such as demanding money from the Chin, arresting those who cannot pay and using them as human shields in battle.

AA rebels recently kidnapped three Chin villagers who were not able to meet their demands for rice bags, Mai Thin Yu Mon said.

“The villagers were released after three days of detention,” he said. “But they were ordered to provide 20 bags of rice. The rebels have been extorting money and foods from Chin villagers since 2015.”

There are more than 2,600 Chin villagers taking shelter in the Samee Internally Displaced Persons camp in Chin state, including 20 pregnant women, he said. An estimated 90 percent of the IDPs are Christians.

“IDPs in the Samee camp also urgently need food, clothes, blankets and medicines,” May Thin Yu Mon said. “We are collecting donations for them. Some individuals who are ethnic Chin singers also donated some money.”

The Rev. Dennis Ngun Thawng Mang of the Chin Baptist Convention said he had received word of the attacks on the ethnic Chin, Christian communities.

“We are preparing to provide some financial assistance,” he said. “We are also trying to meet Burmese army officials. We will ask them not to harm our Chin Christian communities. We will ask them to protect our Chin Christian communities.”

Burma is about 80 percent Buddhist and 9 percent Christian. The country is ranked 19th Open Doors’ 2020 World Watch List of the countries where it is most difficult to be a Christian.

Tonight on Persecution Watch: China, Burma and India (12/21/19)


(Voice of the Persecuted) Dear prayer warriors, the Lord is manifesting His power all over the world. The enemy knows it and like a roaring lion he is enraged and on a rampage to devour any one who is rejecting the love of God. However, he was given no power to touch any of the Lord’s elect!

(John 3:17-21) “For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God’s one and only Son. This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

Now more then ever we are experiencing how close we are to the end. With the Lord’s leading, we will lift up the Church in the following nations on tonight’s prayer call.

China: Crackdown on Christianity Ramps Up 

Myanmar (Burma): Rebels Who Closed More than 100 Churches Allow 51 to Reopen

India: Christians Face Increased Persecution as Christmas Nears

I welcome you dear one’s to come as God’s Spirit leads you to intercede for our brothers and sisters and for the global harvest!!!

In Christ Love

Nadia Dybvik Prayer Call Moderator

From any location on your phone


9:00 PM EST

8:00 PM CST+

7:00 PM MST

6:00 PM PST

Call in number: 712 775-7035      

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link  or App Store – iTunes

What is Persecution Watch?
Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin has led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern (please check your time zone). Blaine also serves as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the call to share the trials they’re facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone. We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you’re new to the call and can’t find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ.