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Monthly Archives: March 2016



Asia Bibi’s Life Hangs in the Balance as Radicals Call for Her Death!


(Voice of the Persecuted) Muslim radicals, 25,000-strong at the peak of their demonstrations, ended a four-day sit-in at a high-security “red zone” near Pakistan’s federal parliament. On Wednesday, they claimed victory after the government made a deal to not change the country’s notorious blasphemy laws misused against minorities.  They assured that no amendments will be made to provision 295-C of the penal code, which states that “Whoever by words, either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any imputation, innuendo, or insinuation, directly or indirectly, defiles the sacred name of the Holy Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) shall be punished with death.” It was also claimed they will not show leniency to anyone convicted under them. It’s an extremely dangerous situation. Blasphemy is a highly sensitive issue in Pakistan.  Even unproven allegations can stir up huge mobs and extreme violence as seen in the case of a Christian man and his pregnant wife brutally tortured then thrown into a firey kiln oven. Whole communities violently attacked and burned down for an unverified claim of blasphemy. Revenge attacks as the suicide bombing carried out on Easter at a Lahore park which was meant to target Christians. The radicals have promised future attacks.

Mumtaz Qadri became a hero to fundamentalists after killing Salman Taseer, Punjab’s 26th governor, in 2011. His murder sent shockwaves throughout the country. Trained as an elite police commando, Qadri was assigned to Taseer as his bodyguard. He shot and killed the politician and a year later was sentenced to death.  He claimed it was his religious duty to kill Taseer, who had been an outspoken critic of Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws, supported liberal reforms and championed for Aasiya Noreen, better known as Asia Bibi.

Bibi is a Christian mother of 5 who was sentenced to death for blasphemy. Bibi upholds she is innocent of the charge, but her court appeals have been unsuccessful. Christian Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti was also murdered for advocating on her behalf and opposing the blasphemy laws. Her family was forced into hiding after receiving death threats. Extremists have promised to kill Asia if she is released from prison and her death sentence not upheld. Even those exonerated of blasphemy charges are at great risk, even murdered by radicals when released.

The extremists erupted in violent protest at the decision to execute the assassin. They are now calling for Asia Bibi’s execution. They blame her for Qadri’s execution and view her death as an eye for an eye.

When Saif-ul-Mulook, a Muslim, took her case his fellow lawyers said, ‘You have hammered the last nail into your coffin.” Mulook was also the special prosecutor in the murder case of Punjab governor Salman Taseer. Police have been stationed at his home as a plot to assassinate him had been revealed.

take action

Please contact your Senator or representative and ask them to act immediately.

Contact Your Elected Officials

Voice of the Persecuted letter to elected officials.

We at Voice of the Persecuted condemn the ongoing persecution against Christians in Pakistan. We are extremely concerned for the welfare of Asia Bibi who is being wrongfully held and sentenced to death on false blasphemy charges. Asia’s life hangs in the balance and is in grave danger. A government official recently claimed that security has been increased following intelligence reports that Islamist groups are conspiring to have her killed inside the prison to avenge the hanging of Mumtaz Qadri—an extremist who claimed it was his religious duty to kill Punjab’s 26th governor, Salman Taseer in 2011. Qadri is hailed as a hero by a large number of Muslims in Pakistan. Taseer, had been an outspoken critic of Pakistan’s harsh blasphemy laws, supported liberal reforms and championed for Asia Bibi.

The risk of her being hung for her Christian faith has never been greater. No one should be put to death for their religious beliefs. Please put pressure on the Pakistani government to stop violating her human rights, revoke her death sentence and her immediate release. We ask that you help to protect her from extremists. In the event of her release please help to save her from certain death by assassination. Asia and her family will need to be immediately evacuated and given refuge in a country who can protect her human right to worship freely and live in peace. It’s important to act today before it’s too late!

Brave Female Arab journalist asks, ‘What if Christians were suicide bombers?’

Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair

Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair

If the shoe was on the other foot…

A courageous, female Arab journalist who lives in Qatar has penned a bold article that asks Muslims in the Middle East how they would respond if Christian suicide bombers struck their public markets, collapsed their tall buildings or tried to force Muslims to convert to Christianity.

Liberal Saudi journalist Nadine Al-Budair writes in Kuwait’s Al-Rai newspaper that Arab countries have refused to address the problem of terrorism and have yet to create a climate that matches the liberal, humanitarian climate of the West. She asked Muslims to consider what their world would be like if Christians the world over had responded to Muslims the way terrorists have spread radical Islam.

“Imagine a Western youth coming here and carrying out a suicide mission in one of our public squares in the name of the Cross. Imagine that two skyscrapers had collapsed in some Arab capital, and that an extremist Christian group, donning millennium-old garb, had emerged to take responsibility for the event, while stressing its determination to revive Christian teachings or some Christian rulings, according to its understanding, to live like in the time [of Jesus] and his disciples, and to implement certain edicts of Christian scholars,” Al-Budair writes in a translation of the editorial provided by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).

Al-Budair asks her readers to imagine Christian priests calling Muslims infidels over loudspeakers and chanting that God has demanded their deaths. She also writes they should also consider what would happen if Arab countries had provided Westerners with entry visas, benefits, modern healthcare only to have them turn on their hosts to kill them in the name of religion – likely a reference to the San Bernardino attacks carried out in December 2015.

“These images are far from the mind of the Arab or Muslim terrorist because he is certain, or used to be certain, that the West is humanitarian and that the Western citizen would refuse to respond [in this manner] to the barbaric crimes [of the Muslim terrorists],” Al-Budair writes. “Despite the terrorist acts of Al-Qaeda and ISIS, we [Muslims] have been on [Western] soil for years without any fear or worry. Millions of Muslim tourists, immigrants, students, and job seekers [travel to the West] with the doors open [to them], and the streets safe [for them].”

She writes, however, that tolerance for Muslims is fading in the West because Muslims refuse to confront the problem of Islamic extremism. As evidence of this, she points to the presidential campaign of New York billionaire Donald Trump, who in a “scary declaration,” she writes, “demanded to bar Muslims from entering the U.S.”

Al-Budair wrote that Muslims do not have the right to condemn statements like those made by Trump without addressing the failures of Arab educational systems which teach jihad and hatred of the West in madrassas (Islamic schools) around the world. Al-Budair claims Muslim nations should apologize to the rest of the world.

Much of what she said about education in the Middle East was voiced a year ago by Jordan’s Queen Rania in addressing the United Arab Emirages UAE Government Summit in Dubai.

Al-Budair isn’t confident, however, that anyone will heed her call for tolerance.

“After all these farces, some Arab analyst comes out touting a pathetic message, and reciting the same words in his friend’s ear that he has repeated millions of times: ‘Those [Muslims who commit terrorism] do not represent Islam, but only themselves.’

“This is all we [know how to do] – absolve [ourselves] of guilt,” she wrote.

Al-Budair, who describes herself, as a feminist, last year encouraged Muslim women to flee their “benighted countries” for the safety, security and opportunity of the West.

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Together with your generous help, we can reach the goal to alleviate the horrific suffering of our brothers and sisters in Christ. In darkness and desperation, let us serve in love, with open arms and giving hands to provide light and hope.


Every day, we thank God that He is working through you to care for His children and to further His Kingdom! As you greatly bless others, may God continue to bless you. Thank you so much for your support. We couldn’t do it without you!
You may also send your gift to:

2740 Third St
P.O. Box 122
Trenton, MI. 48183

The Cause of Violence In Pakistan Through The Eyes Of A Pakistani Christian



(Voice of the Persecuted) Exclusive interview report— Pakistan is exploding in violence yet again.  Tensions have risen and underlying hatred has expanded since the execution of Mumtaz Qadri, an Islamist who assassinated Governor Salman Taseer who had called for the repeal of the Blasphemy law.  They’re also protesting the recent bill to recognize the rights of women. Both have caused a firestorm from ruling clerics for the push of Sharia Law in Pakistan. They are demanding the execution of Asia Bibi, a Christian mother of 5 charged with blasphemy.  The There will only be more death, and persecution of Christians by denying this. The Islamist group, Jamaat-ul-Ahrar has claimed responsibility for the attack. They admitted Pakistani Christians were the targets and promised future attacks. The heart of Pakistan is torn in half. Jinnah, the first Governor-General of Pakistan had a dream for the country to be a peaceful nation.  A country of safety and equal rights for all citizens. His heart would be breaking to see the status of his beloved Pakistan, today.

The nation has been hijacked by a dark force of Islam. One that recognizes only hatred and persecution those who don’t follow their own beliefs.  It begins in 1977 with the rise of one man, General Zia, Pakistan’s most rabid military ruler. He even introduced a plan for Christians to wear special clothing so they could be identified.

“Sharization” or “Islamisation” (Urdu: محمد ضیاء الحق کے اسلامی حکمرانی) was the “primary” policy, or “centerpiece” of the government of General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the ruler of Pakistan from 1977 until his death in 1988. Zia has also been called “the person most responsible for turning Pakistan into a global center for political Islam”.
Pakistan had been founded as a separate Muslim-majority state for India. Zia committing himself to enforcing his interpretation of Nizam-e-Mustafa (“Rule of the prophet” Muhammad), i.e. establish an Islamic state and sharia law.
Zia established separate “Shariat” courts and court benches to judge legal cases using Islamic doctrine. New criminal offenses (of adultery, fornication, and types of blasphemy), and new punishments (of whipping, amputation, and stoning to death), were added to Pakistani law. Interest payments for bank accounts were replaced by “profit and loss” payments. Zakat charitable donations became a 2.5% annual tax. School textbooks and libraries were overhauled to remove un-Islamic material. Offices, schools, and factories were required to offer praying space. Zia bolstered the influence of the ulama (Islamic clergy) and the Islamic parties, conservative scholars became fixtures on television. 10,000s of activists from the Jamaat-e-Islami party were appointed to government posts to ensure the continuation of his agenda after his passing. Conservative ulama (Islamic scholars) were added to the Council of Islamic Ideology. source

Shared in our previous interview with a Pakistani Christian whose family watched the founding of the nation:

An elderly woman recalled as a young girl of about 7 years, that she watched Muslims behead Hindu’s and Sikh’s, but spared the lives of Christian.  Her family helped by protecting and hiding them. They put crosses around their necks so they would go undetected and appear as they belonged in the Christian community. While listening to the story unfold, a distinct picture of Corrie Ten Boom came to mind, transporting them to safety. This Pakistani Christian’s family had formed a underground railway for those at risk, as seen in WWII during the Holocaust. She describes the family’s journey in small boats to reach the center of what is now Pakistan.  It took them 5 years to reach their final destination, a community where they would settle, dream of their future and build their lives. She describes the partitioning of a country that took 10 years. To this day, she still suffers anguish as she remembers the scenes of horror so long ago.

The people elected a leader to direct them in the path of freedom.  For a time, Pakistan grew strong, even adopted a Constitution that called for religious freedom for all citizens.  But as time went on, Pakistan took a wicked turn that took control. Pakistan instituted an Islamic law that oppressed minorities. Today, Christians have become targets much like the Hindu’s and Sikh’s who needed protection at the birth of the nation.  The woman lamented, “Pakistan was built on blood, I saw it with her own eyes.”  How horrible these atrocities will once again be seared into the minds of today’s youth, as in this woman’s case.  (More)

Another dear Pakistani who still suffers from the persecution against him told Voice of the Persecuted,

My grandfather was in the Royal British Army and was stationed in Bangalore, southern India at the time of partition. His village was to become part of Pakistan so he chose to cross into Pakistan and join Pakistan Army. They went in Army trains and crossed the border without any hindrance, but there was bloodshed between Muslims Sikhs and Hindus on both sides of the border. He shared that his grandfather wore huge crosses as they were ordered by the British Army to do so. He went out and he was stopped by a British soldier who pat searched him and saw him wearing a cross. He feared he could get victimized in the bloodshed. However we don’t find much proof of Christians being murdered during the partition. The obnoxious memories of partition are not so vivid as my family didn’t see much of it, but my uncle tells me that the slaughtering and beheading was started by the Muslims. They beheaded and slaughtered an entire train and wrote slogans on the side of trains with the blood of their victims. The Sikhs retaliated in the same fashion so it escalated more and more. Christians MPS at that time played a crucial role in the making of Pakistan, which is highly ignored and never mentioned in the history textbooks.

My parents tell me of horrific scenes when they were in their adolescence. They said that they feared to tell people about their Christian faith as they didn’t want to be discriminated. My mother never told her friends that she was a Christian until she was in 9th grade. My mother’s baptism name was a Christian name but my grandfather changed it fearing my mother would face discrimination in school due to her christian name. My parents tell me that Christians were not allowed to eat at food stalls. The vendors packed the food because they didn’t want Christians to eat from the same dish in the which Muslims ate. The reason you see a lot of Christians with Muslim names is due to that period of discrimination. Now the trend had changed because people are becoming more bold due to awareness and more people are getting education and shrugging the fear.

Again, we see that Christians have had a huge impact on Pakistan and the partitioning.  We are caught between what the West thinks and what Pakistani Muslims think as evidenced by this message from a suffering Pakistani Christian to the West.  We asked what he like to say to the West.

“Muslims call us Western spies. I doubt that Western Embassies have sympathies towards Pakistani Christians as the West considers us normal Pakistanis with no differentiation between a Muslim with extremist views and one with Christian beliefs.  In fact there was a banner in Forman Christian college ( when it was under the government). The Islamic student federation wrote that all Christians should go back to USA. It was written when Russia occupied Afghanistan and sentiments were high. Many wanted to wage jihad against West as they had been unable to defeat West since the crusades.

There is that old hatred that Christianity is a western product but in fact it is not. The cradle of Christianity, in fact, is in the cradle of civilization that Muslims claim as their own.

Flag of Pakistan

Flag of Pakistan

When asked he felt about the flag of Pakistan he answered,

Once I was travelling on the bus and men were discussing the Pakistani flag. One of the men said the white color represents the Christians and the pole is also put through the white part of the flag. This was a derogatory remark as the context meant that Christians are always considered to be 2nd class citizens and are always inferior to Muslims.

We instantly had the opposite vision. If the white part of the flag represents Christians and is used to secure the pole, then to us the white portion of the flag symbolizes how Christianity is what makes Pakistan stable or grounded. He responded to that statement:

Well all Christians are proud of their homeland but when they are beleaguered, discriminated and persecuted then we start to feel ashamed to be born in a country which doesn’t consider us their own.

When we told our brother we’re drafting and will petition the US government and UN security council he responded:

That would be nice. US aid gives billions of dollars in donations to Pakistan. They support educational institutions and charities. You may be shocked to know that madrasas or Islamic schools are getting funded through those funds. The USA is funding the spread of their hatred.

One of our advocates explained they felt shame for our nation’s treatment of Christians. Our Pakistani brother responded,

Yes, but there is freedom of religion and at least a person wouldn’t get killed in USA for their faith.  I hope the west realizes about the cultural jihad that the Muslims are waging at the moment. Muslims didn’t have any window of opportunity until the West became secular and opened its border. Most Muslims are dormant and rise when given the opportunity to attack. But we shouldn’t hate our Muslim brethren. We should love as Christ taught us to love. However, the West should control the perimeters of their own borders and stop Muslim infiltration.

How selfish we are in the West.  How cold hearted have we become that we can not see that people would give their life to come here and worship in freedom.  Our brother said that Pakistani Christians are forlorn figures when it comes to aid deliveries from the Western churches.  “But most still help the Muslims to try and show the love of Christ whilst ignoring their own brethren. It reminds me on an old English proverb, ‘Charity begins at home’. Churches should help their own brethren first and then look forward to helping others. And I’m sure of one thing, that there will be plentiful left after helping brothers in need.”

John 13:34-35 “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Romans 12:10 “Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.”
Both the Secular and religious in Pakistan are beginning to question the underlying factors of this violence exploding.  (Read more)
What can we take from this?  Pakistani Christians and other minorities in Pakistan are suffering horribly while the world with closed eyes, refuses to acknowledge them.

Together with your generous help, we can reach the goal to alleviate horrific suffering. In darkness and desperation, let us serve in love, with open arms and giving hands to provide light and hope.


Every day, we thank God that He is working through you to care for His children and to further His Kingdom! As you greatly bless others, may God continue to bless you. Thank you so much for your support. We couldn’t do it without you!
You may also send your gift to:

2740 Third St
P.O. Box 122
Trenton, MI. 48183

School District Appeals Federal Injunction on School Board Prayer


(Advocates for Faith & Freedom Press Release: March 17, 2016) Chino, CA. Late yesterday, Chino Valley Unified School District filed an appeal to the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeal from an Order of the United States District Court (Central District) that prohibits the school district and its school board members from continuing to allow a ceremonial prayer at the beginning of its school board meetings.

The school board decided to appeal that portion of the federal court’s order that enjoins the school board’s policy because, as the federal court ruled, the policy of allowing a prayers at the school board meetings “constitute unconstitutional government endorsements of religion in violation of Plaintiff’s First Amendment rights.”

“The District’s appeal to the Ninth Circuit will focus on the issue of whether a school district can continue with the long tradition of allowing a ceremonial prayer at the beginning of school board meetings,” said Robert Tyler, Managing Partner of Tyler & Bursch, LLP and attorney for Chino Valley Unified School District. He further stated, “The U.S. Supreme Court has recognized that prayers in Congress date back to the first Continental Congress. The High Court has concluded that the well-established tradition of permitting prayer at [the] beginning of city council meetings, Congress and state legislative sessions does not violate the Establishment Clause. Likewise, the courts should follow the Supreme Court precedent and allow the same to occur at the beginning of school board meetings.”

The school district recently retained the law firm Tyler & Bursch, LLP to represent the school district on appeal to the Ninth Circuit. Tyler & Bursch’s services are being provided without charge to the school district. Advocates for Faith & Freedom is working in association with Tyler & Bursch, LLP to help underwrite the costs of the appeal.

Tyler & Bursch, LLP is a “for profit” law firm that dedicates a portion of its legal work to pro bono representation. Its website is www.tylerbursch.com.

Advocates for Faith & Freedom is a nonprofit public interest organization dedicated to protecting the integrity of the U.S. Constitution in the courts. You can visit its website at www.faith-freedom.com.

Watchman’s Warning: The World Reels Like A Drunkard & The Western Church Is In Denial


(Voice of the Persecuted) [updated] Over 70 people including Christians were slaughtered celebrating Easter at a children’s park in Pakistan.  Jamaat-ul-Ahrar has claimed responsibility for the attack admitting they targeted Pakistani Christians and threatened future attacks. The death toll in Brussel’s has risen to 35.  Israel has warned it’s people to get out of Turkey.  Syria and Iraq are on fire as is Africa. Maajid Nawaz addressed what needs to be understood in this report,

“… in the context of the global jihadist insurgency that is upon us: unprecedented in its scale, pluralistic in its leadership, fractured in its strategy, nevertheless inspiring in its central message, and popular enough in its appeal that it is able to move masses.”
“…in the month of March there have been jihadist attacks in eight different countries, and I’m not including the ongoing jihadist civil wars in Afghanistan or Syria, the similar one brewing in Libya, and smaller scale attacks and killings across the world. Turkey, Ivory Coast, Iraq, Mali, Nigeria, and Belgium have all fallen prey to this insurgency.
A jihadist guerrilla war is being waged against world order, and the international community is woefully unprepared to address the problem.”

Silence-in-the-face-of-evilChristians are slaughtered and kidnapped yet barely a whisper from the churches in the West. We have asked many American Christians to raise their voices but the majority remain silent. Not even a mention when 2 of our own were killed in the Brussel’s attack.  What’s happening? Do you not know that silence condones evil? That it is evil?

Take a trip through social media posts and it will sicken you.  Christians are more concerned with tearing each other apart and judging others, including Christians, than they are in saving people from the coming disaster.  Then, those who watch and warn and are met with scoffers and disdain, too many wishing to ignore the “doom and gloom”. However, they’re quick to put out prayer requests when hardships or illness affects them. Is that wrong? Absolutely not! We should be willing to lift one another up. But how can we pray for the persecuted church when we have no willingness to share or even hear news of their persecutions? How can we come to their aid when we have no idea what they need?

Where are the calls for unity in the Body to defeat this evil in prayer?  The persecuted are receiving visions to use the weapon of prayer against the dark forces coming against them. Do we doubt that reality because we have never had a divine vision? Even the Pope is calling for prayers for God’s hand to stop this evil. Prayer is our direct line to the Father. Yet the majority of the churches in the West are silent.

Our Brethren across the globe are suffering, dying and enduring torture, and we can’t even unite in prayer. It is one of the worst humanitarian crises the modern world is facing. But we are sound asleep as the bridesmaids in the parable of the Bridegroom. It’s sad and it’s shameful.

God did not command us to carry on as everything is normal. Jesus said it would be as in the day’s of Noah, people would be marrying, and celebrating as though nothing was wrong.  Our own leader in America dances the tango in the face of evil while the world explodes in violence.  Using the excuse, we can’t let them disrupt our life.  My God, have mercy on us. Forgive us Father.

Dear brothers and sisters, Jesus knew man’s reaction to things unpleasant. He warned us in advance of the troubles we’d face, particularly as the Day of the Lord draws near. He warned us so we would not be caught off guard. That we could brace ourselves and stand firm, unable to be knocked off the foundation. He is with us, he makes us strong and we can handle anything when we are in Christ! When one in the Body suffers, we all suffer. But we can go through it with them as if a part of our own body has been injured. Jesus makes that possible!

Open your mouth, demand your church leaders address this.  Unite in prayer.  We are in a great spiritual battle with evil forces. There’s a reason God said, “Come out of her my people lest you go down with her.”

Revelation 18:4

“For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the passion of her immorality, and the kings of the earth have committed acts of immorality with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich by the wealth of her sensuality.” I heard another voice from heaven, saying, “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues; for her sins have piled up as high as heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities.…

What are we doing?  Instead of getting into the word of God we are trusting in man, some even trusting in horoscopes, mediums and evil spirits though we’ve been warned against it.  Some call it entertainment so it doesn’t count. Who whispers these things in their ears? We find ourselves more concerned with offending those who are lost and worshiping false gods, than we are with saving the lost.  Political correctness, the buzzword of the decade has effectively silenced the Body of Christ.   Wake up!  I recall a dream I had about many executions by hanging and being woke up with the words:  “They will die in their sins.” But we are silent because we don’t want to offend? The One we’re offending is the One who may tell us, “I don’t know you.” Wake up sleeping bride.

The world is reeling like a drunkard. You would think that the body of Christ would be on it’s knees in prayer, not partying and carrying on like nothing is wrong.  We can only warn, hope you listen and open your eyes. LORD, wake up Your Church! Church, listen to the LORD.

Remember Jesus said:

Mark 13:32-37

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard! Be alert! You do not know when that time will come. It’s like a man going away: He leaves his house and puts his servants in charge, each with their assigned task, and tells the one at the door to keep watch.

Therefore keep watch because you do not know when the owner of the house will come back—whether in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or at dawn. If he comes suddenly, do not let him find you sleeping. What I say to you, I say to everyone: ‘Watch!’ 


Together with your generous help, we can reach the goal to alleviate horrific suffering. In darkness and desperation, let us serve in love, with open arms and giving hands to provide light and hope.


Every day, we thank God that He is working through you to care for His children and to further His Kingdom! As you greatly bless others, may God continue to bless you. Thank you so much for your support. We couldn’t do it without you!
You may also send your gift to:

2740 Third St
P.O. Box 122
Trenton, MI. 48183

UNHCR Fails To Honor Appointments For Asylum Seekers Interviews In Thailand & Malaysia

Photo: Voice of the Persecuted

Photo: Voice of the Persecuted

(Voice of the Persecuted) Yesterday morning, we received messages of blessings and love from a persecuted brother who is in great suffering. As persecution and fear increases, the faith of these precious ones remains strong through hard trials and heartbreak.

We’ve been praying for all the Christian Asylum seekers in Thailand and Malaysia, but for one in particular as their interview date with the UNHCR came close.  But then, we received a heartbreaking message from our brother.  His family’s interview date had been postponed yet again.

“I am heartbroken as my appointment is set for 2017.”  Each time their interviews come up they are postponed for yet another year.  Not another week, another day, another month.  But another year.

It is a common practice of the UNHCR in Thailand to postpone appointment after appointment sealing the fate of these dear brethren. For another year, they must suffer their fate, FEAR! No way to legally provide for even basic necessities for survival. Forced into hiding and situations of darkness. Forced to watch their children lack for food and medicine, they can not even play outside. Disease runs rampant and the stress of probable arrest brings physical health issues such as hypertension.  They follow the impossible rules set by the UN, but they are lost in the cracks of a broken system.  A system overwhelmed that has failed them. Dreams of a free life, dreams of education, dreams of moving freely among society seem so far away.  Shattered dreams, and yet their faith is so strong.  Would, could your faith remain as strong?

Holding on to Hope through the storm, their faith increases. Media outlets have begun to wake up to their plight, but their reports, as ours go unheeded and barely read.  The UNHCR responded recently to an email that we sent explaining they couldn’t help as Thailand is not a signatory to the UNHCR refugee program. Malaysia is also not a party to the 1951 Refugee Convention. Christian asylum seekers suffer there too. It’s acceptable!  The UN needs to stop ignoring and rewarding countries abusing human rights.  Speak out for them. Specifically now, with the refugee crises. Hold our lawmakers accountable, ask them to intervene in anyway they can.  Ask them to call for a UN Security council meeting pertaining to these countries who persecute the persecuted.  Do Something.  We have an opportunity now like never before, since after our lawmakers have acknowledged Christian Genocide.  Hold them accountable for Persecution.

A Canadian church has agreed to sponsor this family who’ve had their asylum interview postponed. It is extremely expensive to sponsor asylum seekers. The total for this family is $50,400 CAD. Sounds high? The fees are higher in the USA!

Voice of the Persecuted is very familiar with this family. They suffered persecution in their homeland, Pakistan. They came to Thailand to save their lives. But while they have waited, they have worked very hard to help care for their brothers and sisters suffering alongside them. They are committed to this work and with the help of the Canadian church will continue even after they are resettled. Knowing their background, Voice of the Persecuted can confirm their intentions. Unfortunately, the church was only able to raise a portion of the funds. Others have generously donated to help this family, but still short 10,000 CAD ($7500.00 USD) required by the government to proceed. If you would like to help this faithful family gain freedom and to continue to the work to save other Pakistani families please contact us, they are so close!  Come on Church, let’s make this happen. Shine the love of Christ!

Contact us at info@voiceofthepersecuted.org or by mail:

HELP SAVE THE PERSECUTEDYou may also send your gift to:

2740 Third St
P.O. Box 122
Trenton, MI. 48183

Please include a note designating your gift for this family.

Everyday, we thank God that He is working through you to care for His children and further His Kingdom! As you greatly bless others, may God continue to bless you. Thank you so much for your support. We couldn’t do it without you!


URGENT: PRAYER CONFERENCE CALL for Pakistani Christians, Join us tonight 9pm EST

VOP UrgentPrayerRequest

(Voice of the Persecuted)  Yesterday, bomb blasts ripped through Gulshan-i-Iqbal Park in Lahore the capital city of the province of Punjab,Pakistan. It is also known as a children’s park due to the funfair. Christian worshippers commonly gather at the park as part of their Easter celebration.  At last count, approx 70 people were killed and over 150-200injured. The death toll is expected to rise. Many of the victims were women and children.  Islamic Jihadists have claimed responsibility for the attack and admitted it was meant to target Christians though both Muslims were also killed.
Brothers and sisters, we invite you to join us tonight in prayer as we convene to pray for those impacted by this terrible tragedy. A Pakistan Christian who lost a family member during the attack and another was seriously injured, in critical condition, will also be on tonight’s call. Call info is below.
Your brother in Christ,

Blaine Scogin

Serving Jesus as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted and Persecution Watch
Ephesians 6:18
Persecution Watch is a teleconference prayer call that regularly convenes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights. Tonight will be a 911 call.
Call Time…….
9 p.m. Eastern
8 p.m. Central
7 p.m. Mountain
6 p.m. Pacific
Call number and access code are…….
712.775.7035.      281207#

Pakistan: Christians Targeted in Lahore Easter Bombing – Warning Graphic Content