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Monthly Archives: March 2023



Day 10: Praying for Muslims during Ramadan – India

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Friday, March 31, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

India is a country that occupies the greater part of South Asia. One of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world, with many religions, sects, castes and tribes.

Continent: Asia, Capital City: New Delhi, Government: Federal parliamentary republic, Population: 1,339,330,514

Religion: Hindu 73%, Muslim 14%, Christian 5%, Ethnic religions 4%, Sikh 2%, Agnostic 1%, Buddhist 1%



India captivates and overwhelms the senses of all who visit with its vibrant colors, immense crowds, and stimulating smells. One of the largest and most diverse countries in the world, India is filled with more than 2,500 distinct people groups who speak over 19,500 languages and dialects. The most commonly spoken language is Hindi.

A staggering one billion-plus people are dispersed over one million square miles. Tremendous recent economic growth has led to India’s increasingly important role in global affairs. Yet the permeating and ever-present reality of extensive poverty remains. There is more human need in India than in any other country. Approximately 196 million people, 14% of the population, are malnourished. Roughly 30,000 children in India are orphans, and about 10% of the population lives in abject poverty.

“Castes” that assign people to a social stratum based on birth have led to many horrific human rights abuses. Though officially outlawed, caste discrimination continues to hold great influence over the culture and remains a major bar to social mobility. To this day, it is difficult for people of lower castes to find jobs, no matter what their education or background.

India’s infrastructure is unreliable, and political corruption is rampant. Overpopulation also makes pollution and sanitation unmanageable. These contribute to deadly realities such as contaminated water and widespread diseases such as cholera, typhoid, hepatitis, and more.

When it comes to the spread of the Gospel, India has the most unreached people groups in the world. In fact, 95% of Indians have never heard of Jesus! While Hinduism is practiced by roughly 80%, only about 2% identify as Christians. But because of the sheer size of the population, even minorities (Buddhists, Jains, and Sikhs) number in the millions each.

Historic manuscripts and oral traditions say Christianity was introduced to India by the Apostle Thomas in 52 AD. The legacies of other Christian workers like William Carey and Mother Teresa have left a mark on the nation, and Christian communities have made significant contributions in education, health, and social sectors. Yet, Christianity is still often seen as a threat to the traditional Hindu way of life.

Hindu nationalist groups and the political Bharatiya Janata Party want to make India a “Hindu Rashtra” — or “Hindu Nation.” Anti-conversion laws make it increasingly dangerous to share the Gospel. Those who choose to follow Jesus are often threatened with losing their status, jobs, homes, and even lives. Several Christian organizations have been forced out, leaving many bereft of physical and spiritual aid. However, despite the intense persecution, Indian Christians are courageously persisting as the hands and feet of Jesus to their neighbors.

India has the third largest Muslim population in the world. Over 200 million Muslims call India home. Yet they are still a minority and treated as such.

Indian Muslims have experienced discrimination in areas including employment, education, and housing. They also face religious violence. Women and children are not exempt from the suffering.

It is one of the most accessible Muslim nations. Yet there are few full-time Christian workers serving among Indian Muslims. Too few are willing to engage them.

How will they hear unless somebody tells them? Let’s pray they hear of Jesus.

Please watch this 4:34 minute video. 

God is actively drawing Muslims to Himself. As we pray for the Muslims of India, remember that each one is a real person whom God loves dearly.

“Shahana” was one of those people.
As a young Muslim girl, “Shahana” knew what she believed. Even when a Christian friend would argue with her about Jesus, she knew better than to trust a Christian.

But soon the suffering and pain her family felt began to make her question Islam. “Shahana” prayed for her family and followed the Quran faithfully. But her prayers were not answered. Where could she turn?

Weeping, “Shahana” prayed that if God were real, He would show Himself to her. Will “Shahana” find the answers she is looking for in Islam? Or will she find courage to listen to her friend about Jesus?

Click the link to listen to Shahana’s story. Watch “Shahana’s” Story


  • Pray for the cultural barriers of the caste system and Hinduism to be overcome by the Gospel.
  • Pray for the Good News of Jesus Christ to reach every village and town.
  • Pray for justice and hope in a nation plagued by oppression, poverty, and disease
  • Pray that millions of Muslims in India would find hope in Jesus!
  • PRAISE God for believers who persistently share their faith even when rejected!

The Lord’s servant,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Day 9: Praying for Muslims during Ramadan-Mullahs

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Thursday, March 30, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

We can learn more about how to pray for Muslims in Pakistan and around the world by learning about some of their leaders. Today we look to some prominent Islamic leaders: MULLAHS.


Mullah is derived from the Arabic term “mawla,” which means “master.” The title is used mostly in Iran and in the Shia regions of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. In Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia, it is used by both Sunnis and Shiites to refer to an Islamic teacher or scholar, or the leader of a mosque. Outside of these areas, the term is not widely used.

Mullah is derived from the Arabic term “mawla,” which means “master.” The title is used mostly in Iran and in the Shia regions of Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq. In Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Central Asia, it is used by both Sunnis and Shiites to refer to an Islamic teacher or scholar, or the leader of a mosque. Outside of these areas, the term is not widely used.

In central and south Asia, mullahs have also been military leaders and conquerors. But today “mullah” is generally understood to refer to local learned Islamic leaders. Mullahs are expected to be knowledgeable in the Quran, Hadith, and Sharia law. They often teach in mosque schools, called madrassas, and lead prayers. The term is also used as a sign of respect for any educated Muslim religious man.


The term “mullah” is not used universally among Muslims. In Lebanon and Syria, mullahs are respected religious leaders who are trying to help their followers navigate their religious lives. In Syria, some respect mullahs who are trying to protect Islamic law while attempting to restore democracy and a civilized form of government.

Uniquely in Iran, the term “mullah” has come to have a derogatory meaning, indicating a low-level religious leader. It is somewhat of an insult used to mock those who make a show of their religiosity and portray themselves as devout by constantly referencing the Quran.

The term “mullah” is sometimes used to designate the entire class of people who uphold the traditional interpretation of Islam. Conservative mullahs are thus distinguished from more progressive Muslim scholars and leaders.

Mullahs often have distinct dress, consisting of a turban and long flowing robes. In Iran, mullahs wearing black turbans believe themselves to be direct descendants of Muhammad.

Please watch this 3:39 minute video. https://www.prayercast.com/phone/mullahs.html


  • Pray for Mullahs to study the Injil (New Testament) and be drawn to Jesus.
  • Pray for courage to pursue Christ no matter the cost.
  • Pray for God to raise up bold witnesses and leaders from among former Mullahs.

Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:   

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release. 
  • Pray for Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison
  • For Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. 
  • UPDATE (March 17, 2023): Ryan Koher, a pilot for the U.S.-based ministry Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), and two of the ministry’s South African volunteers were released from a Mozambican prison Tuesday afternoon, the organization announced. The trio had been held at a high-security prison inside the southeastern African country for four months. Their release is a provisional one and they are required to remain in the country, while their case is still ongoing, according to MAF. Koher is said to be “doing well” following his release and has spoken multiple times with his wife, Annabel, and his two sons since his release, the ministry said. Source

The Harvest

  • 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Michael Laird, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator.

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Day 8: Praying for Muslims during Ramadan-Wahhabism

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.


Wahhabism began as a reform movement within Islam in the eighteenth century in what is now Saudi Arabia. It is named after Muhammad Ibn Abd Al-Wahhab (1703-1792), who was a follower of Ibn Taymiyyah (1263-1328). Like Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Wahhab advocated purging Islam of all beliefs and practices that did not fit his literal reading of the Quran and the Sunni Tradition (Hadith).

Al-Wahhab teamed up with Muhammad Ibn-Saud in 1744 to build the first Saudi state in Arabia. Today’s Kingdom of Saudi Arabia continues to subscribe to Wahhabi ideology and pours millions of dollars into promoting it, especially in Africa and Asia.

Wahhabis today are inspired by Al-Wahhab’s uncompromising applications of Ibn Taymiyyah’s puritanism. Most Sunni Islamist groups – Islamic State, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, etc. – are Wahhabi, even though some prefer to call themselves Salifis – those who revere the first three generations of Muslims (the salaf).

Both Wahhabis and Salifis seek to live strictly like the first generations of Muslims from the seventh century. While Wahhabism is influential across most of the Muslim world, it is difficult to estimate how many millions subscribe to this Islamist ideology.


Wahhabis view all Muslims who do not have the same strict understanding of Islamic practice and beliefs as non-Muslims who need to be opposed.

There is little difference in theology between Wahhabi and other orthodox Sunni Muslims, but in practice Wahhabis tend to be violent and aggressive towards all who disagree with their understanding of what it means to be faithful to Muhammad. They often destroy shrines, oppose veneration of saints, and outlaw all popular practices that they feel violate “pure” Islam.

Wahhabis seek to enforce right behavior by commanding right and forbidding wrong. When possible, they enforce full compliance to their version of Islamic practices in their jurisdictions. They prohibit friendship with non-Muslims. They enforce a strict dress code for both men and women.


Significantly, much of the unprecedented movement to Christ among Muslims in the Middle East can be traced to the negative example of violent Wahhabi Islamists. God is using the excesses of Wahhabi Islamist groups to drive millions of Muslims away from Islam. More and more members of Wahhabi Islamist groups are becoming tired of violence and hatred and are seeking a better way.

There are some astonishing stories emerging from the Middle East that cannot be told here. Many Wahhabis are seeking and finding a different kind of God than the one that their Wahhabi ideology promotes. In some places, tens of thousands of Muslims, fleeing the violence and injustice perpetrated by Wahhabis, are coming to faith in Jesus.

They are not only learning about the God of love, [but they are] also learning to forgive rather than fight their enemies.

Please watch this 4:08 minute video.


  • Pray for Wahhabis to encounter Jesus, as Saul did, and be transformed.
  • Pray for proud hearts to be humbled and blind eyes to be opened to receive Jesus’ love.
  • Pray for multitudes of Wahhabis to come to faith in Jesus, impacting Muslims around the world.

The Lord’s servant,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Day 7: Praying for Muslims during Ramadan – Education

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Tuesday, March 28, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.


While adult Muslims are educated during homilies in mosques, their children are schooled in one of three ways: in government-run schools, in mosque schools – called Madrassas, or in a combination of the two.

Muslim majority nations seek the upward mobility of their youth and model their national curricula on successful Western educational systems. Government schools are largely Western in course content although the objectionable ideologies of secularism, cynicism, humanism, individualism, and sexual libertarianism are strongly curtailed. Courses in Islam, Islamic history, and often Arabic, are usually added.

Primary education is mandatory in Muslim majority nations. Where parents cannot afford the annual fees, less expensive local mosque schools are chosen. Sometimes children beg during lunch time to cover their costs. Children’s schooling is often stopped when they are needed for their family’s work.

Private elite Muslim schools compete successfully with Western counterparts, and secondary school graduates frequently qualify for good universities.

Please watch this 4:32 minute video.


While governments in Muslim countries require children to attend elementary schools, parents are often also expected to enlist their children in the local mosque school. In certain nations these schools are combined. In all but the most conservative regions, both boys and girls are welcome in state schools.

Public schools struggle acutely from inadequate salaries for teachers, overcrowded classes, and a shortage of teaching supplies. Parents have high hopes for their children’s improved future through education, but their hopes are often dashed, and they become accustomed to poor results.

Overcrowded government universities await those who succeed through secondary school. However, the lack of employment options and the low global rankings of these universities inspire many to try to transfer to Western institutions. The 57 Muslim nations in the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation rank the lowest in scientific research, creative innovative studies, technological schooling, and job-placement standings.

The Muslim World has the fewest invention copyrights and Nobel Peace prizes. Far less literature is published in Arabic, for example, than in other major languages. The only competitive private education in Muslim nations are expensive private institutions and colleges and the local mosque schools. Government education has few quality competitors.


Sayyid and Umar’s parents cannot afford the fees to send both boys to the state school, so Sayyid goes to government school and Umar to apprentice as a welder. Sayyid must wear a prescribed school uniform made from costly blue khaki cloth.

His classroom is so overcrowded that three boys must share each double bench. They attend from Sunday to Thursday. Textbooks are costly, so Sayyid’s parents ‘rent’ books for one night to make photocopies. Since so many children are failing, Sayyid must take tutoring lessons.

His parents dream of Sayyid becoming an engineer, but he dreams of being a soccer star. In the small welding shop where Umar is apprenticing, there are too many apprentices for one welder. Umar labours from dawn to dusk. He competes with other apprentices, avoiding inferior tasks and competing for the harder assignments.

If Umar damages any tool or produces faulty work, he must repay the welder. He doesn’t know how many years he’ll work without pay for the welder before he is able to finish his apprenticeship. Umar dreams of going to a state school but his parents expect him to become a welder. If he fails, he’ll return and work in their vegetable stall.


  • Pray for access to education that will encourage questions and a thirst for Truth.
  • Pray for Christian educators who will nurture discovery and Truth among Muslim students.
  • Pray for those seeking Truth to find it in Jesus Christ.

Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:   

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release. 
  • Pray for Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison.
  • For Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. 
  • Pray for Ryan Kohler, pilot for Mission Aviation who is in prison in Mozambique. While flying supplies to orphanages in the Northeast of the country, he and two others were detained and accused of supporting terrorism.

The Harvest

  • 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

The Lord’s servant,

Michael Laird, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church was moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign-up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Day 6: Praying for Muslims during Ramadan – Pakistan

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Monday, March 27, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Dear Prayer Warriors, join us as we pray for Pakistan on the prayer conference call, tonight.  


Continent: Asia, Capital City: Islamabad, Government: Federal parliamentary republic, Population: 238,181,034,

Major People Groups: 40% Western Punjabi (Lahnda); 12% Sindhi; 10% Southern Punjabi; 8% Eastern Pathan; 7% Urdu

Religion: Muslim 96%, Christian 2%, Hindu 1%

Language: Lahnda, Pushto, Sindhi, Urdu, Baluchi

GDP Per Capita: $4,600

Literacy Rate: 58%



Pakistan is a complex blend of old and new. Ancient Islamic influences predate the country itself. It is home to Taxila, one of the oldest universities in the world. Dozens of distinctive cultures are also scattered through the various tribes in the Karakoram Mountain range. With a fusion of diverse customs, this nation finds unity through the predominantly shared Islamic faith on which it was founded.

After Pakistan’s formation in 1947, it went to war with India over the Kashmir land. Though this conflict only lasted from 1947 to 1948, the region remains contested to this day. Despite its rich culture, Pakistan is a poor nation with bleak economic outlooks. An estimated 35% of the people live in poverty, and children are often pulled out of school to help provide for their families. Substance abuse is rampant; this is the most heroin-addicted country in the world.

Pakistan was also the seventh country to successfully develop and test nuclear weapons. In addition, terrorism has brought widespread devastation, killing thousands and hindering any economic development.

From as early as 2005, Pakistani schools have been targeted by the Taliban, and hundreds of students have been killed. Fragile government control has allowed the Islamic State and many other Islamic terrorist groups to thrive. Tribal lands, which are largely outside the government’s control, have become safe havens for lawlessness and a regrouping point for the Taliban.

Over 95% Muslim, with a Sunni majority, Pakistan is the third largest Islamic nation – and the center of the unevangelized world. Despite constitutional guarantees of religious freedom, this is one of the world’s most persecuted nations. Though it is less than 2% of the population, Christianity is the second largest religious minority.

Countless Christian villages dot the Punjab heartland, with a significant population in the southern city of Karachi. But Bible translation remains very difficult, and only a few of the seventy languages have a completed New Testament. With much of the country controlled by Islamic fanaticism, believers face extreme persecution and are often among the poorest. Yet, in the face of conflict and despair, prayer movements are rising up, and Muslims are increasingly coming to Christ!

Please watch this 4:40 minute video


Pray for the spiritually oppressed in remote areas to encounter the Gospel.

Pray for the Church to multiply in the power of the Spirit as persecution intensifies.

Pray for the strongholds of Islamist extremism and terrorism to be demolished and rendered powerless.

The Lord’s servant,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Day 5: Praying For Muslims during Ramadan – The Sunda

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Sunday, March 26, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Dear Prayer Warriors, join us as we pray for the Sundra, tonight.  


Thirty-eight million Sundanese live in the western third of the island of Java, with three million more living in Lampung, Sumatra. The majority of Sunda still live in villages, where most work as tenant farmers.

Because the volcanic soil is some of the most fertile in the world, for centuries the Sunda have not had to work very hard to produce a crop, which other Indonesians argue has led to laziness.

Muslim traders traveling to Southeast Asia in the 15th century brought Islam along with their merchandise. Gradually the “old” animist religious practices of the region combined with the “new” Islam to create the Folk Islam practiced by the majority of Sunda today.

Muslim identity runs deep among this people group. Even though most only go to the mosque on high holidays, “to be Sunda is to be Muslim.” If one is no longer a Muslim, one is no longer a Sunda, and can therefore be kicked out of the local community.

Please watch this 4:42 minute video.


The Sundanese are being left out of economic advances in Indonesia, even though they are located mostly in Jakarta and Bandung, the fastest-growing regions of the country. Reasons for this include their poor work ethic, lack of value for education, lack of leadership abilities, and high divorce rate.

Factory managers will bring in whole villages of Javanese rather than hire local Sundanese. When they migrate to cities, the majority of Sunda tend to work in lower-level jobs. The ideal Sundanese job is a government worker: the work is not hard, it is guaranteed for life, and, in the right position, riches come quickly through corruption.

Although they look happy on the outside, Sundanese are dominated by fear and shame, often stemming from parents who did not demonstrate sacrificial love. Sadly, this dysfunction can sometimes carry over into relationships between pastors and Sundanese Christians.

Sundanese Muslims are attracted to the experience of authentic love, even if that love is from a Christian.

Tomorrow we will continue with Ramadan day 5. Join us as we pray for Muslims to fully know Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, and follow him.


Christian resources are readily available, including the Scriptures, the Jesus Film, and Christian programming on the internet and local TV.

The Sundanese church (approximately 35,000) is growing slowly. Many are open to the gospel, but there is no large movement to Christ. Discipling believers is difficult. Leadership development is slow because of the negative cultural characteristics the Sunda bring with them, which impedes church growth. There is no focused outreach to the 3 million Sundanese diaspora in Lampung.

If a husband and wife come to faith together, they often hold firm; single individuals rarely do. New converts face intense psychological pressure to return to Islam, first from family and then from the larger community. While they are often kicked out of their local community, the Sunda do not tend to hold grudges. After time, believers can often return to their community, albeit as second-class citizens with no inheritance. There is little physical violence against believers.


  • Pray for the light of Christ to expel the darkness of the Occult and its practices.
  • Pray for multitudes of Indonesian believers to bring the Gospel to the Sunda.
  • Pray for entire families to hear the Gospel and follow Jesus together.

The Lord’s servant,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Day 4: Praying For Muslims during Ramadan – Folk Islam

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Saturday, March 25, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.


75-85% of the Muslim world could be considered Folk Muslim.

While in Indonesia, let’s notice that almost all Indonesian Muslims, whether Sunni or Shia, practice Folk Islam.

Millions of Muslims combine superstition, witchcraft, and other dark arts to ward off evil spirits, seek protection, and bring blessing.

Ultimately, their lives are controlled by fear.

Yet God is at work replacing fear with love. And Muslims are responding to His love by destroying their idols and turning from superstition to follow Jesus ALONE.

For He alone has authority over sickness, disease, spirits, sin, and death itself. In Him alone, Bilal has found protection, blessing, and freedom. Pray with him in this video that others would also find that freedom they seek.

Please watch this 4:35 minute video.


The term Folk Islam, or Popular Islam, refers to religious beliefs and practices that are distinct from the more orthodox Islamic beliefs and practices. Folk Islam is often seen as the way that most Muslims experience their faith. It is their “lived experience” of being Muslim. It is believed that some 75-85% of all Muslims operate with a Folk Muslim worldview.

Orthodox Islam is concerned with preparing for the afterlife, whereas Folk Islam is concerned with dealing with every day realities in the here and now. Folk Muslims live in a world of power: power people, power places, power objects, and power times.

They believe that proper use or manipulation of these can ensure protection, ward off evil forces, and bring blessing. The goal of Folk Islamic practice is protection and success in this life. The goal of orthodox practice is to please Allah and be ready for the Day of Judgment.


Islam has always included significant strands of animism. Folk practices are full of rituals, objects, and people that have power to protect and give success or to harm one’s enemy. When a Muslim woman is unable to conceive and give birth to a boy, for example, she may purchase a magic charm, go to a saint’s tomb and leave an offering, and then visit a person with power (Marabout) seeking a blessing (baraka) that will enable her to give her husband a male child.

Folk Muslims use the Quran as an object of power. Drinking water that contains ink from dissolved Quranic texts is said to bring healing. For Folk Muslims, praying during Ramadan is far more powerful than praying during the rest of the year.

Folk Muslims are often desperate for help. Their lives are dominated by fear, by curses, and by struggle. Folk practices respond to these everyday challenges


It is not uncommon that when the Gospel is brought into a Muslim region for the first time there are manifestations of power by folk practitioners in opposition to the Gospel and its messengers. When there is a demonstration of the power of God over the powers of darkness in response, many Muslims believe and follow the living God, who has demonstrated His authority over the powers that they have feared all of their lives.

When directed and anointed by the Holy Spirit, evangelists often proclaim the Gospel with much power. However, the power of those resistant to the Gospel is strong, and most are kept in bondage to fear and deception.

There is often intense spiritual warfare as Christians bring the Gospel to Muslims. Yet, God is at work replacing fear with love as Muslims trust in Christ and experience the freedom that only He can bring.


  • Pray for demonstrations of Jesus’ love and power to cast out all fear.
  • Pray for courage to reject idols, rituals, and dark practices to trust in Christ alone.
  • Pray for Muslims in every tribe and village to hear the Good News of Jesus.

Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:   

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release. 
  • Pray for Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison
  • For Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. 
  • UPDATE (March 17, 2023): Ryan Koher, a pilot for the U.S.-based ministry Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), and two of the ministry’s South African volunteers were released from a Mozambican prison Tuesday afternoon, the organization announced. The trio had been held at a high-security prison inside the southeastern African country for four months. Their release is a provisional one and they are required to remain in the country, while their case is still ongoing, according to MAF. Koher is said to be “doing well” following his release and has spoken multiple times with his wife, Annabel, and his two sons since his release, the ministry said. Source

The Harvest

  • 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Valerie Creekmore, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Day 3: Praying for Muslims during Ramadan

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us on Friday, March 24, 2023, in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Dear Prayer Warrior’s, join us as we pray for Jakarta tonight.  


The Special Capital Region of Jakarta is the heart of a massive urban conglomerate that includes more than 30 million people. After Tokyo, greater Jakarta is the second largest urban area in the world!

Jakarta proper, a port city on the north coast of the island of West Java, has a hot, humid, tropical climate. It was built on low-lying drained swampland and is sinking almost 7 inches per year. It suffers serious flooding from the 13 rivers flowing through it. Despite some large squares and gardens as well as some mass transit systems, the city is clogged with motorcycles, scooters, and cars, which cause unending traffic slowdowns and serious air pollution.

Jakarta’s economy is built on trade, financial and medical services, commerce, administration, industry, and (mostly domestic) tourism. There are more than 83 malls, and Jakarta has the most square footage of shopping space of any city in the world.


There has been settlement on the site of Jakarta since the early 5th century. Europeans arrived in 1513, and after the Dutch defeated the British, the Dutch named the city Batavia, and made it their Indonesian capital in 1619.

The Dutch East India Company developed powerful and prosperous trade and shipping businesses while the Netherlands controlled the country for more than 300 years. Following a brief period of Japanese control during WWII, the city was made the capital of newly independent Indonesia and renamed Jakarta (“victorious city”) in 1949. As the capital region, Jakarta exercises wide influence within the country and around Southeast Asia.

The city is very diverse. The five largest ethnic groups are the Javanese (36%), Betawi (28%; local Jakarta people), Sundanese (15%), Chinese (7%), and Batak (3.5%). Indonesian is the official and dominant language, with English the second most widely spoken. Most people use their own ethnic language at home.

Though Islam dominates the religious scene in Jakarta (83.5%), there are other large religious communities: Protestantism (8.5%), Catholicism (4%), and Buddhism (3.8%).


Indonesian Muslims often pride themselves on their tolerance of religious diversity. However there have been increasing numbers of attacks on churches throughout Indonesia, including in Jakarta.

In a widely publicized 2017 case, Ahok, the Chinese Christian governor of Jakarta, was convicted of blasphemy by the supreme court for publicly quoting the Quran and was sentenced to two years in prison. The influence of Islamists is clearly growing in the city and country.

Nevertheless, about 13% of Jakarta is Christian! Christians have freedom to worship, and they are usually able to openly practice their faith within certain places and with limited parameters. Of the twelve largest congregations in Indonesia, about half are in Greater Jakarta.

Reports of many rapidly growing movements to Christ among Muslims in Indonesia has the government concerned.

But the extent of these movements in urban areas such as Jakarta is unclear. This is a time of growing harvest – and of growing persecution of converts to Christ.

Please watch the short video 4:26 minutes


  • Pray for access to the Gospel in the many unreached people groups represented in the city.
  • Pray for the Indonesian Church to overflow with a passion to reach Muslims.
  • Pray for spiritual revival in Jakarta that transforms this nation with the world’s largest Muslim population.

Tomorrow we will continue with Ramadan day 4. Join us as we pray for Muslims to fully know Jesus Christ, the savior of the world, and follow him.

The Lord’s servant,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

From any location on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476 

Access Code: 281207#

Recommended: For those who may be subject to added charges for conference calls. Please download the app, it’s free!

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all of your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2013 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2015. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters have been invited on the conference call to share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in and pray silently or on mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader and the Persecution Watch Prayer Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up link below to be included in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.