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USCIRF Highlights Religious Persecution in Eritrea and Pastors Imprisoned for 20 Years

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us tonight in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

(USCIRF) May 13, 2024—The United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) urges the Biden administration to bring greater attention to religious freedom violations in Eritrea. This month and next mark the 20th anniversary of the arrests and imprisonment of three pastors in Eritrea who have been held under atrocious conditions. Meanwhile, hundreds are currently detained due to their religion or belief. 

“Two entire decades have passed since the Eritrean government arrested Pastors Haile Nayzgi and Dr. Kiflu Gebremeskel. It is unconscionable that these two men, along with Pastor Meron Gebreselasie who was arrested a month later, remain imprisoned under horrible conditions. Bishop Abune Antonios died at age 94 in 2022 while under house arrest. Other Eritrean church leaders should not suffer the same fate,” said USCIRF Commissioner Frank Wolf. “According to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Eritrean government does not generally take steps to investigate, prosecute, or punish officials who commit human rights abuses. The safety and well-being of religious prisoners of conscience needs to be a priority for the international community. USCIRF urges the U.S. government to press for their immediate release.”

According to reports, prisons in Eritrea are horrifically maintained and those incarcerated endure physical abuse, sexual violence, and torture. As of 2023, Eritrean authorities were holding an estimated 500 Christians as prisoners, including nearly 40 Jehovah’s Witnesses. Last year, the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) urged the Eritrean government to uphold the right to freedom of religion or belief and to guarantee related freedoms of expression, peaceful assembly, and association. Furthermore, the UNHRC exhorted the Eritrean government to release all those detained based solely on their religion or belief. In March 2023, the Eritrean government began the process of releasing some prisoners, freeing nine Christian prisoners, most of whom had been incarcerated for nine years including house church pastor Abenet Yemane.

“Religious freedom conditions in Eritrea remain extremely poor. USCIRF was hopeful last year when Eritrean authorities started releasing some of those detained because of their faith or belief. Unfortunately, this effort included only a small number of prisoners,” stated USCIRF Vice Chair Frederick A. Davie. “USCIRF urges the Biden administration to engage with the Eritrean government to end religious persecution of unregistered religious communities and release the remaining religious prisoners. The U.S. government must also urge the Eritrean government to ratify UN conventions related to freedom of religion or belief.”

In its 2024 Annual Report, USCIRF recommended the State Department redesignate Eritrea as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC) for engaging in systematic, ongoing, and egregious violations of religious freedom. The State Department has repeatedly designated Eritrea as a CPC since 2004, most recently in December 2023. In August, USCIRF released a report on religious freedom conditions in Eritrea. USCIRF also released a publication on freedom of religion or belief in the Horn of Africa, as well as a factsheet addressing refugees fleeing religious persecution in various countries including Eritrea.

Prayer Points

  • Pray for these dear brothers in Christ as if we ourselves are imprisoned with them.
  • Pray for endurance for tortured and imprisoned believers leading many to Jesus.
  • Pray for encounters with Jesus among those fleeing persecution, forced military service, and poverty.
  • Pray for government leaders to address poverty and establish religious freedom.

Join us tonight to pray as if we, ourselves, were imprisoned with these brothers.

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Please forward prayer points to your church, prayer groups and others who will pray.

Prayer Conference Call Details

Monday through Saturday, 6 nights a week

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and uncomplicated way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD, you can instantly dial into a conference call via a 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to join the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Persecution of Evangelical Christians – Pray for Russia

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us tonight in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Russia: Population 142 million, 63% Orthodox Christian, 7% Muslim, 1.46% are evangelical Christians, 26% reported having no religious faith.

You may want to read the Time magazine article “Russia’s War Against Evangelicals” here.

Russia is a proud nation with a rich but often tragic history. For centuries, it was systematically plundered, from the Mongols to the Tsars to the Communists to the oligarchs. The state’s propaganda machine plays into this history by projecting victimization.

In 2021 Russian Putin signed a Religion Law, initiating significant changes for ministries across Russia any new missionary or pastor received religious training outside Russia, will be required to also receive Russian-State-authored education. This is for both foreign and Russian citizens.

  • Pray for new laws that would not crush evangelical groups.

This year, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)’s listed Russia and 16 other countries as the world’s worst religious freedom violators. 

  • Pray Russians would want to worship Jesus, not “Russianness”.

The Russian Orthodox Church survived Communism and remained a major symbol of Russian identity. It sees itself as the preserver of a great Christian civilization handed down from Rome and Byzantium. It endured terrible persecution during Communism, when up to 200,000 Christian leaders died as martyrs. Tragically, it is now an instrument of war when its Patriarch – a former KGB agent and a long-time Putin ally –politically and theologically justified the invasion of Ukraine.

Prayer Points

  • Pray that repentance will come to the Russian Orthodox Church, and that God would cleanse it.
  • Pray that the Russian Orthodox Church will make peace with other Christian groups, and will stop any activity to suppress or harm them.
  • Pray for what renewal movements exist within Russian Orthodoxy (I met devout Orthodox believers when I lived there).

Millions struggle against poverty and hopelessness.  Russia’s abortion rate is one of the world’s highest. Alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, and family breakdown ruin many lives. Many can’t afford health care.

  • Pray for an end to the cycle of hopelessness.

The North Caucasus region is the poorest and least stable region in Russia. It has the highest unemployment, the highest birth rates, and widespread corruption, and has had two wars in last 30 years. The North Caucasus peoples are 50 unreached ethnic groups of Caucasus, Turkic, and Iranian origin.

  • Pray that Jesus be revealed to the peoples of this corner of the world.

Tatarstan has a large degree of political and religious independence. The Tatar are Russia’s largest Muslim people (5.5 million), and Europe’s 2nd-largest. (More Tatars live outside Tatarstan than inside.) Only about 10% faithfully practice Islam, though it is a strong part of Tatar identity. 100 Evangelical churches and groups increased among the Tatar. Persecution from the government, Muslims, and the Orthodox Church all draw evangelicals closer together in fellowship, despite different languages and theologies.

  • Pray these believers would continue to be united in Christ.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is accompanied with a strategic effort to repress, control, and crush religious groups outside of the government controlled Russian Orthodox Church. There are over thirty cases of religious clergy killed and kidnapped inside the occupied Ukrainian territories, and109 known cases of interrogations, forced expulsions, imprisonments, and arrests. 600 houses of worship were destroyed.

  • Pray for the survival of other Christians where Russia has conquered.

In southern Ukraine – the Russian interrogators beat Azat Azatyan, then electric shocks, then demanded: “When did you become a Baptist? When did you become an American spy?” His torturers see Protestant churches are just a front for the American state. 

  • Pray that Russia would not treat Protestants as foreign spies.

Evangelicals are targeted by the Russians disproportionately in occupied Ukraine. Baptists made up 13 percent of victims under Russian control – 400 Baptist congregations have been lost, the Ukrainian Orthodox even more.  

  • Pray that independent churches would not lose faith under persecution.

Protestants flourished in the democratic decades since the end of the U.S.S.R. Baptists are the third largest denomination in Ukraine. The mayor of Kyiv between 2006-2012 was an evangelical. For the Russian occupiers, Protestants are perceived as America agents.

  • Pray for Protestants to continue to flourish among the unchurched.

80,000 Russian troops have died. Russia is now sending women into the war. 

  • Pray for the people of Russia who have lost loved ones.

Psalm 7:14–16 “Behold, the wicked man conceives evil and is pregnant with mischief and gives birth to lies. He makes a pit, digging it out, and falls into the hole that he has made. His mischief returns upon his own head, and on his own skull his violence descends”. Christianity Today urged in February: “Go Ahead. Pray for Putin’s Demise.”

Thousands of Russians have protested Vladimir Putin’s invasion, and more than 2,000 people have been arrested as a result.

  • Pray for God’s favor and protection for those who went to prison after protesting.
  • Pray for pastors of the Russian-speaking churches outside Russia. These leaders now must deal with holding their churches in unity, while Slavs fight Slavs.

 Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:    

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release.
  • Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison, for his family and for the church.
  • Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. UPDATE: According to Article 18, once sentenced to death for his “apostasy” has been “pardoned” and released after nearly five years in Tehran’s Evin Prison but told Nadarkhani that he still faces flogging (30 lashes) and two years’ exile 2,000km from his home. Read the report here.
  • The Harvest: “37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Michael Laird, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Moderator 

Please forward prayer points to your church, prayer groups and others who will pray.

Prayer Conference Call Details

Monday through Saturday, 6 nights a week

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and uncomplicated way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD, you can instantly dial into a conference call via a 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to join the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Nigeria: A Cry For Help

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us tonight in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

Nigeria is now one of the most dangerous places to worship Christ in the world. There have been several horrible atrocities committed against believers there and that is why we want to pray for the brethren in this location tonight.

A sampling of reports from the last month

 Suspected Fulani Herdsmen Attack Catholic School in Nigeria 

Video Shows Pastoral Couple Kidnapped a Year Ago in Nigeria

Six Christians Killed, Eight Wounded in Kaduna State, Nigeria 

Herdsmen Kill 28 Christians in Benue State, Nigeria 

Couple’s Ordeal Highlights Injustices Faced by Christians in Northern Nigeria

Fulani Herdsmen Kill 12 Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria 

Slaughter of Christians Continues in Central Nigeria 

Herdsmen Kill at Least Six Christians in Southeast Nigeria

ECWA Pastor Slain in Kaduna State, Nigeria

Three Christians Slain in Benue State, Central Nigeria 

Mother, Baby among Christians Slain in Plateau State, Nigeria 

Prayer Points:

  • Pray with thanksgiving for the attack at the school which was unsuccessful.
  • Pray for the salvation of Fulani herdsmen and other Islamic militants so that they would no longer act hateful towards Christians.
  • Pray that the plan of the enemy to control Nigeria would fail.
  • Pray for the protection of the armed forces as they provide protection to schools and other places against the militants.
  • Pray that the Nigerian government would indeed “wake up” and apply more pressure to deter attacks from militants.
  • Pray for God’s supernatural protection over all of His people.

Unfortunately, some attacks at other schools and communities were not averted.

  • Pray for those persons who are still being held captive.
  • Pray for persons who have lost their homes, lands and loved ones due to these attacks.
  • Pray that Nigerian believers would continue steadfastly in faith despite the challenges they face.
  • Pray that believers would continue to press on in prayer and read the Word even though it may look like nothing is changing in their favor.
  • Pray for Christian leaders that God would give them the strength, wisdom, understanding and resources to continue with their own lives as well as to feed the flock.
  • Pray for those who continue to offer physical and spiritual assistance to the believers in Nigeria. May God bless them!

 Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:    

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release.
  • Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison, for his family and for the church.
  • Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. UPDATE: According to Article 18, once sentenced to death for his “apostasy” has been “pardoned” and released after nearly five years in Tehran’s Evin Prison but told Nadarkhani that he still faces flogging (30 lashes) and two years’ exile 2,000km from his home. Read the report here.
  • The Harvest: “37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Shonla- Jay Payne, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Moderator 

Please forward prayer points to your church, prayer groups and others who will pray.

Prayer Conference Call Details

Monday through Saturday, 6 nights a week

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and uncomplicated way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD, you can instantly dial into a conference call via a 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to join the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

FL Elementary School Gives in to Atheist Group’s Demands, Dissolves Christian Club

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us, tonight, in a prayer conference call hosted by Persecution Watch.

(CBN) A Florida elementary school has dissolved its Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) club after the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), an atheist activist group, pressured them to do so.

Hamilton County School district had allowed the North Central Florida Fellowship of Christian Athletes to begin a new club at Hamilton Elementary, according to a statement from FFRF, an organization that says it exists “to promote the constitutional principle of separation of state and church.” Read the full report here.

For His Kingdom,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

6 nights a week, Monday through Saturday, on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church was moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Persecution Watch: Praying Through 2 Chronicles

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us tonight in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

I opened the Bible to 2 Chronicles 14. The passage concerned Asa, King of Judah.

2 Chronicles 14:2 “Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the LORD.”

  • Though we are righteous in Messiah only, pray our lives would be pleasing to the LORD.

2 Chronicles 14:3 “He removed the foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles.”

  • Pray the Holy Spirit would reveal any idols among the believers.

2 Chronicles 14:5 “He removed the high places and incense altars in every town of Judah, and the Kingdom was at peace under him.”

  • Pray for a spirit of peace to reign in God’s Kingdom and in our hearts and lives, especially those being persecuted.

2 Chronicles 14:6 “He built up the fortified cities of Judah, since the land was at peace. No one was at war with him during those years, for the LORD gave him rest.

  • Pray the church would grow during times when it is not oppressed as well.
  • Pray for a hedge of protection around them.

2 Chronicles 14:7 “The land is still ours because we have sought the LORD our God; we sought Him and He has given us rest on every side. So they built and prospered.”

  • Pray those who do not know Messiah would seek the truth with all their heart and know Him.

2 Chronicles 14:11 “Them Asa called to the LORD his God and said, ‘Lord, there is no one like you to help the powerless against the mighty. Help us, O LORD our God, for we rely on you, and in your Name, we

  • Pray for those powerless and persecuted to trust and rely on Yahovah Tsevaot.

2 Chronicles 14:12 “The LORD struck down the Cushites before Asa and Judah. The Cushites fled”

  • Pray they would cry out to the LORD and be delivered, and the enemy would flee.

2 Chronicles 14:13 “The men of Judah carried off a large amount of plunder.”

  • Pray believers would recover all that has been stolen from them and more.

2 Chronicles 15:3 “For a long time Israel was without the true God, without a priest to teach and without the law.”

  • Pray for godly teachers to teach the Word and disciple new believers.

2 Chronicles 15:4 “But in their distress they turned to the LORD, the God of Israel, and sought Him, and he was found by them.”

  • Pray that during this shaking of wars and natural disasters people would come to the saving knowledge of Messiah. Thank Adonai for many turning to Him at this time.

2 Chronicles 15:6 “One nation was being crushed by another, because God was troubling them with every kind of distress.

  • Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

2 Chronicles 15:7 “But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded.”

  • Pray the persecuted church would endure.
  • Pray laborers in the field would not be discouraged but press on.

 Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:    

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release.
  • Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison, for his family and for the church.
  • Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. UPDATE: According to Article 18, once sentenced to death for his “apostasy” has been “pardoned” and released after nearly five years in Tehran’s Evin Prison but told Nadarkhani that he still faces flogging (30 lashes) and two years’ exile 2,000km from his home. Read the report here.
  • The Harvest: “37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Valerie Creekmore, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Moderator 

(Andy will be moderating for Valerie tonight.)

Please forward prayer points to your church, prayer groups and others who will pray.

Prayer Conference Call Details

Monday through Saturday, 6 nights a week

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and uncomplicated way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD, you can instantly dial into a conference call via a 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to join the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Pastor Fights New Charges for Housing Homeless: ‘They Will Not Stop Until’ He’s ‘Sitting in Jail’

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us, tonight, in a prayer conference call hosted by Persecution Watch.

(CBN) The attorney for an Ohio pastor who reportedly faces criminal charges for housing the poor is accusing City of Bryan officials of “unlawful harassment” and waging “lawfare.”

Ryan Gardner, an attorney with First Liberty, a religious liberty law firm, told CBN News there’s a hearing May 13 seeking injunctive relief to stop the city’s actions against Dad’s Place and its pastor, Chris Avell.

“On April 24th, the fire chief, the assistant fire chief, and a police officer burst through the church’s doors [at] 5:30 a.m. for a surprise, unannounced fire inspection,” Gardner said. “And, upon completing that inspection, they immediately cited the church for new violations, which had never been discussed before.”

Read the full report here.

For His Kingdom,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

6 nights a week, Monday through Saturday, on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church was moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.

Persecution Watch: Pray for Believers in India

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us tonight in a prayer conference call for the persecuted church hosted by Persecution Watch.

INDIA: Population: 1.4 million, Christians 71 million

India is the largest democracy in the world – but Christians in many parts of the nation find themselves increasingly under threat. In 2023, persecution against Christians in India hit headlines. In early January, riots against believers broke out in Chhattisgarh, where gangs of armed Hindu extremists went door to door and assaulted believers. In May, ethno-religious clashes in Manipur have shaken the region and the country, disproportionately impacting Christians; the violence left 400 churches in ashes and 50,000 believers displaced.

This hostility in India is often driven by an ongoing belief among some Hindu extremists that Indians ought to be Hindu, and any faith outside of Hinduism is not welcome in India. This mindset has led to violent attacks across the country and impunity for the people who perpetrate this violence, especially in places where the authorities are also Hindu hardliners. Church leaders are particularly vulnerable.

More and more states are also implementing anti-conversion laws. These purport to prevent forced conversion away from Hinduism but, in reality, create an environment where any Christian who shares their faith can be accused of a crime, intimidated or assaulted. There is no equivalent law about coerced conversion to Hinduism, and there are mass ‘homecoming’ campaigns in which Hindu nationalists put tremendous pressure on Christian converts from Hinduism, telling them to return to their previous faith.

How are anti-conversion laws abused in India?

Any Christian who does convert from Hinduism is the most likely to come under intense pressure or even violence. They can face constant pressure to renounce their new faith, face job loss/discrimination, endure physical assaults, and even be murdered. Church leaders are also in danger in many parts of India: extremists target them (along with their families) to create fear and chaos in the Christian community.

Particularly in rural communities, men can also face an economic ‘boycott’, losing access to shared agricultural labor pools in villages. Additionally, since men are traditionally the primary earners in Indian families, this kind of persecution can result in the impoverishment of the entire family.

Prayer Points

  • Pray to the Lord for India’s general elections. That the results of this month’s elections will improve the situation for Christians and will help to create better conditions.
  • Pray to the Lord that elections will be favorable for religious freedom. If the pro Hindu movement wins more, most likely more anti-conversion laws will be passed which will put Christians in difficulties and anger.
  • Pray to the Lord for fair and peaceful elections and that people will not be deceived by propaganda and that all Christians will be bold to exercise their right to vote.
  • Pray to the Lord that He will hold His hands over these elections. Pray that elections will not be manipulated to discredit Christianity and accuse believers.
  • Pray to the Lord that the elected government will work for the welfare of all people, especially Christians.
  • Pray to the Lord to give strength and favors to pastors and leaders to preach the gospel undeterred by election results.
  • Pray to the Lord for the 11 million election workers who will ensure the integrity of the polling stations and that every eligible Indian can vote.
  • Pray to the Lord that our Indian brothers and sisters will be ”anxious for nothing“ and will experience his peace and comfort in these times of fear and uncertainty.
  • This month is the one-year anniversary of the violence that erupted in Manipur state between Kuki and Meitei tribes. Pray to the Lord for comfort to the families of the Christians killed in the attacks.
  • Pray to the Lord for the 50,000 Manipur Christians who were forced to flee from their homes to escape attacks and the many who remain displaced that they sense we are praying for them.
  • Pray to the Lord for Christian house church leaders who face beatings, face accusations and destruction of their homes. Ask the Lord to protect and strengthen them.
  • Pray to the Lord for churches that have been closed by Hindy extremists. Pray that they can gather one day and that the Lord will lead them in the meantime to new faith communities.
  • Pray to the Lord that He will build His church and that all powers of hell will not conquer it.

Again, we want to lift-up these persecuted witnesses to the Lord:    

  • Leah Sharibu, a prisoner of Boko Haram since 2018. Pray for her release.
  • Alice Loksha Ngaddah, kidnapped February 2019. She is a mother of two, working as a nurse for UNICEF. Pray for her release.
  • Pastor Wang Yi to be released from prison, for his family and for the church.
  • Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani from Iran, as he and his family are adjusting from his release from prison, that they may know what God’s will is for them now. Pray for the trauma they had to endure. UPDATE: According to Article 18, once sentenced to death for his “apostasy” has been “pardoned” and released after nearly five years in Tehran’s Evin Prison but told Nadarkhani that he still faces flogging (30 lashes) and two years’ exile 2,000km from his home. Read the report here.
  • The Harvest: “37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; 38 therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38

Andy, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Moderator 

Please forward prayer points to your church, prayer groups and others who will pray.

Prayer Conference Call Details

Monday through Saturday, 6 nights a week

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and uncomplicated way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD, you can instantly dial into a conference call via a 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church were moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to join the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today

Persecution Watch: Pray for Christians from Gaza

(Voice of the Persecuted) You are invited to join us, tonight, in a prayer conference call hosted by Persecution Watch.

Dear Prayer Warriors, we have received prayer requests from Living Stone International and an update from Br. on Gaza.

Dear Praying Friends, in March we sent out a Prayer Alert which had testimony from one of the Christians in Gaza. His first paragraph was as follows: 

“We are very tired, and we no longer have the energy to suffer. Our days are useless, our children are collapsing, in fear, without education, and life has become very difficult. Food is at ridiculous prices, even if it is available in the market, and a lot of food has run out from the market. There are many, many words that I cannot express about our psychological and spiritual situation. We no longer have the energy to express or explain what is happening in our country. We are surprised by the silence of the world, but we are optimistic about God’s mercy and love.”

Today we are so happy to report that Br. S and his family have been able to leave Gaza and are now safely in Egypt. This also is a difficult situation, but much better than what they had been facing. As more refugees are entering Egypt from Gaza, the landlords are charging very high rates for Palestinians to get apartments. Br. S was blessed by family members who helped them pay for getting out of Gaza and also for their initial costs in Egypt, but please pray that God will continue to provide for this family as they strive to make a new beginning for themselves. Ultimately, their hope is to be able to go to another country where they can establish citizenship and live out their faith without fear of persecution.

Please also take time right now to pray for peace in Gaza, peace in Israel, and that through all of this, God will be glorified.

Thank you for your care for the Body of Christ,

Dr. Pat and Brother Dave

For His Kingdom,

Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Conference Call Leader

Prayer Conference Call Details

6 nights a week, Monday through Saturday, on your phone

USA Time Zone:

9:00 PM Eastern

8:00 PM Central

7:00 PM Mountain

6:00 PM Pacific

Call in number: (667) 770-1476

Access Code: 281207#

MOBILE APP: Free Conference Call HD also provides a quick and easy way for you to dial into conference calls without having to remember the dial-in credentials. Save all your conference call dial-in numbers and access codes using this free app. With the Free Conference Call HD you can instantly dial into a conference call via 3G/4G data network and or regular mobile carrier. Google Play link or App Store – iTunes

If you are experiencing any difficulties joining the call, please let us know.

What is Persecution Watch?

Persecution Watch is a U.S. national prayer conference call ministry that prays specifically for the global Persecuted Church. For over a decade, Blaine Scogin led this national network of believers who faithfully pray for the persecuted and the global harvest for the Kingdom of God. The group meets via a free call-in service every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night at 9pm Eastern time in the United States (please check your time zone). Blaine also served as Prayer Director for Voice of the Persecuted, and the two missions became one. Brother Blaine passed into glory on December 26, 2019. It was truly a blessing for all of us to serve alongside this dear man of God and he will be greatly missed. The prayer mission of Persecution Watch remains an important part of our mission. Voice of the Persecuted is committed to continue the prayer conference call for the persecuted along with the dedicated Persecution Watch prayer warrior team.

Prior to the passing of Brother Blaine, he confirmed the passing of the torch as prayer conference call leader to Nadia Dybvik. Nadia has a burdened heart for the persecuted and is a prayer warrior standing in the gap for them. She joined the Persecution Watch prayer team in 2015 and has been part of the core ever since. Before becoming the prayer call leader, she served in the role of prayer moderator since 2016. Blaine chose Nadia for her faithfulness to pray for the persecuted and her strong commitment to the Persecution Watch mission. We are blessed not only with her gift of prayer, but her genuine love for every brother and sister in Christ that comes on the call to pray. May the Lord continue to bless Nadia and the prayer team in the mission and their personal lives.

“Pray for us” is the number one request that we hear from the persecuted. As the members of the first century Church was moved by the Holy Spirit to pray, we too must continue to serve those suffering persecution by lifting them up to the Lord through prayer.

On occasion, persecuted brothers and sisters are invited to the conference call and share the trials they are facing. The team serves to encourage them by washing their feet in Spirit led prayer. Time is often reserved for those on the call to ask questions. We believe this helps to gain a better understanding of the situation that persecuted Christians endure in their specific nations. Q&A also helps us to focus our prayers based on their current needs.

Persecution Watch also hosts callers who want to pray united from other nations. If your heart is perplexed by the sufferings of our persecuted brothers and sisters, you no longer need to pray alone.

We welcome all who desire to pray for the persecuted church and consider it a joy to pray together with you. If you are new to the call and cannot find your voice, listen in, and pray silently or mute. We are grateful and thank the Lord for bringing us all together to pray in agreement for our persecuted family in Christ. We can all be prayer warriors on this call!

God bless and protect you in your faithfulness to serve.

Lois Kanalos, Founder, Voice of the Persecuted, Nadia Dybvik, Persecution Watch Prayer Call Leader, and the Persecution Watch Prayer Call Moderator Team

NOTE: Please fill out the form in the sign up at link below to be added in our distribution list to receive urgent prayer requests, prayer points, notification of special prayer events and special guest speakers.

Note to Voice of the Persecuted (VOP) readers: The Persecution Watch prayer team is also the prayer team of Voice of the Persecuted. SIGN UP today.