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Prayers for the Children of Saeed and Naghmeh Abedini

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Drawn by their daughter, Rebekka in  2014. It represents our family and Love of God surrounding them. Picture includes Saeed...

Drawn by their daughter, Rebekka in 2014. It represents our family and Love of God surrounding them. Picture includes Saeed…

Requesting prayers for her children, below you will find a heartbreaking update that Naghmeh Abedini recently shared. Being without their father for so long, has been very hard on the children—an emotional roller coaster for the whole family. Please press in and lift these little one up to the Lord.

Dear friends,

I would appreciate your prayers for the kids. Specially for Rebekka. Her birthday is coming up in September and I have noticed over the last few weeks that it has become too painful for her to hope that Saeed might be out for her birthday, she has just decided to cope with it by accepting that our family is just me and them. I looked at drawings she used to do a few years ago when Saeed was first arrested and they were filled with hope and faith. I noticed over the last few weeks that her pictures of our family include just me and them.

Recently Jacob heard me making travel plans to New York and he begged me to come (his dream is to go to the sewers of New York where the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles live!). I told him that this was for efforts for daddy and I would be so busy it would not be fun for him. I told him that we will go for vacation to New York when daddy gets out of prison. He cried and marched off as he said that “daddy is never coming home!”

I tell them to hope and pray and trust Jesus. It is so hard for them to pray for so long and not see the results. Please pray that God would give me the wisdom to guide them in their walk with Christ.

Rebekka's recent drawings of her family are missing her daddy. Please keep her in prayer.

Rebekka’s recent drawings of her family are missing daddy. Keep her in prayer.


  1. dme says:

    There are 4 Americans currently being held by Iran.. how about we pray for all of them and their families? One family of imprisoned has a father that is dying of terminal brain cancer.. another prisoner suffers from horrible health conditions… Another family hasn’t heard from their loved one in over 8 yrs .
    All of these men and their families need prayers and support. 3 of the families may not be Christians but need our prayers anyway

  2. Linda Hooper says:

    Naghmeh ALWAYS mentions the “other 3” when she talks about praying for her husband. ALWAYS

  3. Brenda Kane says:

    My dear sister I pray for you and children. Lord Jesus guard the hearts and minds of these precious children. Holy spirit fill them with hope and dreams of their daddy’s love. Protect them with your blood. Love you Jesus. Amen

  4. jeff says:

    You can donate to the Saeed family here.


    It’s got to be tough in that house Naghmeh………….. just know that millions of us would give you a hug every day if we could.

    love jeff
    and everyone else

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